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Missing sweet puss

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Well on wednesday Henry went out at 8pm and hasn't been back. :( It's very unusual, he loves home and goes out 1 door and is usually at another within minutes. I have called petlog as he is chipped and nothing as yet. I am printing leaflets at the moment with his pic and asking people to check sheds etc. Any other ideas?


It's horrible not knowing, all the other kidlets to look after is a good distraction but I just want to see a flash of ginger or his loud meows. Everytime I see harrie at the door my heart jumps.


Anyway I'll let you know what happens



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I'm sure it'll be fine Buffie - we once had a cat - Bobby-cat, wno never ventured out passed the garden gate, until one day he jumped over the fence, after we'd had him for about 3 years. I think he probably spied a mouse through the fence, and gave chase.


We didn't see him for weeks, and I feared the worst - we put up posters, spoke to neighbours and no-one had seen him. Then about 6 weeks later he appeared back - fatter and happier than ever, and took up residence in the garden again. we assume he found the mouse fest in the farmers field, gorged himself for a month and a half, then returned home happy with the experience.




Of course, 4 weeks into his absence, the mice had returned to our house, so we had gone out and adopted Moggy-cat, fearing that Bobby-cat would never return!

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Thanks it's made me feel rather sad seeing his picture up and the words missing. Of concern now is as I've dragged poor daisie round the village I have seen another cat went missing last sunday :?:( I would wish the most evil things (i mean most evil but cannot say on the family forum) on anyone who would harm mine or anyone elses pets That's made me feel worse BUT I am being logical here, it's early days, he could be shut in and actually I am doing all I can.


Maisie was out until last night too and was rather odd, just responded to my calls my meowing which is unusual and was curled up on a bank. She wouldn't go to anyone but I am keeping her in and going to call local police and see how many cats have gone missing recently.


Keep them crossed and thanks :)



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I have a cat that regularly dissapears for a few days and I am convinced he gets locked in sheds as he has been locked in my car twice and my shed umpteen times and never learns :roll:


I hope he comes home soon Buffie :cry:


I doubt anybody would be stealing cats unless they are pedigrees as they would have no purpose for them :?

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Yes I am just about to start work and will call rescue centres etc. I can't imagine anyone would be doing something awful here, in MK there is a cat poisoning problem...really. They are trying to catch the person/people responsible for using slug pllets and other poisons to kill local cats and that's possibly why I have this nasty thought. We aren't in MK but it is disturbing.


I am feeling more positive, thanks.



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Keep thinking the good thoughts Buff


The day we went on holiday we were chatting to our neighbours and one of their cats went in the house (we didn't notice) and of course got shut in when we left.


They heard his cries and went to the chemist to see if anyone at joe's work had a key and was looking after the laydees for us!


Failing that they were going to Hertz to track me down!


Silly cat climbed into my car boot when I got back from Sainsbury's last weekend!


I'm sure you'll find him soon


Fingers and everything crossed here for you Buff




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Fingers crossed for you Buffie. Am sure he is fine.


OH cat had the habit of going into other peoples homes. However the last time he did this, our neighbour went away for the weekend :roll: Simba was fine for his ordeal, just a little thinner. As he was shut in he left a little prezzie for our neighbour :shock:

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odd but good news :shock: He's back but it's very sad. Old lady behind me told me she had a strange cat in her house last night but not henry. I have now had a call from her, not remembering me, but telling me there's a ginger cat in her spare room and she's seen my leaflet.


It's Henry :D but she had obviously fed him and then kept him. In the past she told me her cat had been poisoned, in floods of tears, and he was sitting there happy as anything when I went to get henry. She obviously has dementia but what should I do. :? She has a nurse and her daughter visits but I don't want to think she is taking Henry every time he leaves the house. :? Also fag ash everywhere as she walks



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He stinks of fags so obviously been there since he went missing and he was locked in because he would leave. She told me once she had alot of cats but I am thnking she has taken them in and they leave her to return home when they get out


Poor woman but not fit to be alone, the house could burn down with the cigarette ash just falling.



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That is quite good news in a sad way Buffie :?


If it happens again you could call round to check if he is there and maybe see the lady is also okay :shock:


I think one of mine visits somewhere else I am toying with the idea getting an engraved tag with 'do not feed me I have a home' but that wouldn't work in this case :roll:

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Glad to hear Henry is home safe :D


I agree that you need to talk to the nurse, family, etc and warn them that she is encouraging cats into her house and then not letting them leave, to the distress of both the animals and their owners. I'm not sure what they can do about it, but at least if people know, they can keep a sharper eye on her in future.


Best of luck



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We are going to put collars on as she obviously thinks they have no home if no collar, as she pointed out he had no collar. her cat has no collar :?


It will also help anyone visiting to see it's someones but I can call round if it happens again and say is that cat visiting again. So much for keeping them chemical free thoug. I can honestly feel my chest tight and I was there minutes :shock::(



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Great to hear he's back Dearest :D


Millie used to get into the old boy's house next door and used to come back stinking of fags and fry-ups. They also used to feed her, despite knowing that she was my cat. I had to talk to the mad old chap and explained that she had a special diet and please not to feed her. i asked him to chuck her out every time he saw her. Not sure if this would work with your old biddy though if she's a bit mad :roll:

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