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I'm so upset!

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:cry: It happened the week before last, but only managed to post about it now. It was early evening and we heard a big commotion in the garden. We ran out to see a large fox jumping over our six foot fence. Trixie was caught in the omlet netting and Dee was dead under the holly tree, but there was no sign of Sadie. There were so many feathers everywhere! Fortunately Trixie was fine and I put her in a cat carrier in the kitchen. I heard the fox jump over the fence again and Dee's body was gone.


When we went out the next day we saw the Dee's body in the middle of our neighbours back garden, so hubby went and got her. To my amazment though Sadie ran out from behind the recycling bin, Bless her she must have been hiding there all night.


I feel so guilty and keep thinking about poor Dee and how terrified she must have been during her last moments of life. The other chickens are still shook up I think. They are not laying and have gone off their food. I almost feel like I've let them down. They have already been through so much being ex-battery hens. There has been no sign of the fox since and I make sure the chooks are locked in as soon as they go in the eglu.

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Oh I am so sorry but please don't beat yourself up about it.

I lost three from their coop at night time when my mum failed to secure the door and left the pop hole open.

The fox must have come and picked them off one at a time as they slept.

Chooks, gorgeous and characterful as they are, are pretty thick and foxes are swift in killing them. She might have been alarmed but I doubt she suffered.

It's a horrible thing but better some free range and normality than being caged up all the time.

I hope the others will be OK

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Am sorry to hear about your loss.


I agree, they are not blessed with huge brains so hopefully she would not have been frightened, and it would have been quick. The bit I thought was lovely was that Sadie came out when she saw you!


Look at it that you've given Dee a taste of life as it should have been and that every day she didn't go straight from her battery pen to a can of pet food was a complete bonus.


Give them a cuddle from me (mine won't let me give them cuddles, only their dad!!!)



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I'm so sorry to hear this Rebecca but don't beat yourself up about it. As someone else said, nature can be cruel. Sadie is certainly a clever girl. I'm sure they'll start laying and eating properly soon, give them a bit of fuss and amybe add some chicken wire to the top of the fence. I think the wobblyness of the chicken wire will put off the fox. And get OH to wee in a bottle, then spray it around the edge of the garden.

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Rebecca, can I cheer you up even more by telling you that "devil" chicken Chloe is still alive and sometimes laying, with my neighbour next door and is one of 3 now. :roll::roll: A happy ending for her and she seems to have finally grown up :D:D


Wow! That is good news! :D She certainly was a devil. :roll: I'm glad she is ok and has a couple of friends. Thanks Jayne, that has cheered me up.

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