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Pedrick has arrived..............

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I take it your dad doesn't frequent this forum, then :wink: ?

I hope not. :shock:



:dance: :dance: :dance:


Can't you build Pedrick inside and install him as a piece of modern art in you living room over the next few months?



Actually I've started building him in the garage, just so I could get a look at him.

Are you picking it up at the Greyhound office in Boston? I've been there too, if so! How excited would I have been to see Omlet boxes on those shelves.... :shock::clap:


I don't know how you'll bear the wait, Mark, but at least you'll know that Pedrick is there for you!

I actually had him delivered to the greyhound in Portsmouth New Hampshire (which is located inside a tiny cafe/bakery) poor Pedrick was stuffed in a corner and taking up ALOT of room, when the lady found out I was there to pick him up she did a little dance. :D

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Come on Mark, we need pics of Pedrick..... what colour is he? (have I been dozing & everyone else knows already :oops: )


Sha x


Pedrick is an orange cube (cube orange) to match my orange eglu (orange eglu) I know that is an awful lot of orange, but it is my favorite color. :D I promise I will get pictures at the weekend.

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