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just wanted to share my excitement

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Flo's ear lobes are definately green :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:!egggreen!!egggreen!!egggreen!!egggreen!!egggreen!


They will match Norman, how clever of her! This is if they dont change colour and prove me a liar.. :liar::lol:


I have waited and waited (well two weeks!) for them to develop a colour and now finally they have, even DS1 has said wow green! :lol:


edited to add, I did always feel they had a green 'tinge', but these are clearly green now. :)

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:lol: I will go loopy when I finally get an egg from her, this is just the ear lobe colour and I am hopping with excitement. :lol::lol::roll:


and on the subject of eggs, Dory is making practice runs to the nestbox. :) and crouching for the older girls, although not me it seems :lol:

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no I wish I did have!, I will try tomorrow, although as stated before I am rubbish at taking photos.. :lol:


She's my little skitty darling, so doesn't like being picked up much (yet) , but when she's held she makes little cooing noises.


Looking at her comb I think I will be waiting for my egg a while though.

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With Skylines/Columbines (same bird just different breeder names) you have a 70/80% chance of them laying a green or a blue egg, in my case it looks like they will be green, others on here have blue :)


Araucanas (pure breed, not hybrid) lay blue eggs


Others will come along and add more, as I am only a year into keeping chickens myself and still learning every day. :)

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my coral has white earlobes as well :D but lays cream eggs, they do not lay white eggs as far as I know. But the cream eggs are porcelain like cream, they are beautifull!


edited to add I just looked at your egg picture and yours are the same colour as mine, but I class that as cream, as my brother has a white egg layer and his are stark white so I didn't feel able to say mine were white :lol:


you can be sure of a photo when she decides to get her laying gear into action. :D

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How very classy a hen with green ears to match Norman 8) and lays green eggs.

Keep an eye out for a hen with lilac ears to lay lilac eggs. :D


I am looking for a purple egg layer to go with my eglu, cube (still not in use :cry: ) and purple egg skelter :lol::lol:


Could someone post a picture of some coloured earlobes so that in the future I know what I am looking for, thanks.



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I agree it is a creamy white, if I compare it with a sheet of paper (I'm not lucky enough to have seen a pure white egg). OH is excited that at least he will be able to identify one egg, he can't tell the others apart!!



that's right, you will definately tell them apart, they are lovely eggs! :D

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