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There are two alpacas near my house and everytime I drive past I always think how gorgeous they are and how much I want some but unfortunately our garden isn't big enough. The only option would be to sweet talk the farmer who owns all the land around my house so we could keep them with his sheep.


I really hope you get some so you can post lots of pictures!!



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Of course I will post LOTS of photos! Try and stop me :lol: Its early days yet though, we are in the process of talking to as many people as we can think of locally who may know of a farmer who would be willing to rent us an acre of land. We keep expecting to come up against problems, but the more research we do, the more possible it seems.


Sunshine: Its worth a try. Alpacas hate foxes and will chase them off. So you could sell the idea to your sheep farmer as one that would actually be in his benefit as well. They poo in one tidy pile, so they are very clean creatures.


Yorkshire Pud; of course you MUST come over and cuddle them. SO much everybody else locally!!!


I dont know much about camels, but I do know they spit more than Alpacas! Aparently out of the whole camel-like family, alpacas spit the least (phew).


I'm SOOOO excited. They will protect the exbatts beautifully, so they will be able to live lovely free range lives and roam the whole field, protected by their alpaca guardians.

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Well, no-body seems to have alpacas then! I guess me and OH will have to lead the way :lol: . Thanks for all your words of encouragement.


well, progress so far; we have been offered a wonderful sounding piece of land, but it is sadly probably too small and too far away :( . Its about half an hour from home; which isn't far, but when you are having to go every day. I was hoping to get something closer to home, or at least enroute to our horse.


I was thinking that I will probably end up with an end of farm land and have to fence it and manually hoik water down there. What I was offered today is half an acre (I was after an acre really) but it sounds ideal. It is surrounded by trees; its already fenced in and is quite secluded. And it has a stream running through it!!!!! How fantastic would that be???


However, I've got lots of other avenues to search and this was only the first possibility. Just thought Id keep you posted. Ive also found a phone number for the local council who aparently has grazing land to rent!!

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:doh: you are crazy....... :lol::lol::lol:


Alpaca this , alpaca that......honestly everyone, thats all i heard on saturday!!!!!



Anyway tell K thanks for the rocky road...i have only 1 piece left but i dont know wether to eat it or save it for a special occasion as i just dont know when i will get any more............

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:shock: Wow HEN what a project!! You are going to have such fun.


I shall definitely invite myself over if these plans come to fruition. Sounds very exciting. :D


I want to visit as well. (I'll bring some corn for your small furry friends :lol: ) Please can I come. Pretty please.

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Hi guys *waves furiously*.... I've missed this thread for days. I dont know why but I didnt get an email saying there were new posts, so I havent been here! :?


Shaun; Karina says you can have some more rocky roads the next time we see you. :) Although I have to say it is VERY naughty of Mostin to have gobbled the last one, while poor Shaun is excitedly planning when to eat it! :shameonu:


Bigmommasally; I'm really excited about that link you sent me. :dance: We are definitely going to go. I WAS going to go on a course on 25th, but found one nearer to home which is on Good Friday. So we are free. I think we will go to it on the 26th.


Claret; it would be great to meet up (as long as you promise not to tell me TOO much detail about the grizzly course). When are you around? I'll get in touch when we know more about what we are doing.


If this project goes ahead you will ALL be welcome to come and visit (no furry friend food required thanks plum :oops:


UPDATE: we have one offer of land which we are considering and another possibility we are waiting to hear about.

We are booked onto a course on Good Friday.

I have had contact with a man who has 4 potential boys to sell and I have my eye on three of them! One white, one light fawn and one possible brown (brown boys are sooo cute).


Soooo excited and soooo pleased to know about the Alpaca do in Northants, thanks again soooo much for letting me know about it, your a star :clap:

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