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Got bad news today :( UPDATE-good news

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I have only just caught up with this topic. So glad the operation is over. These times are very traumatic for all the family, we've recently been through that 'not knowing whats going on phase' with my brother. I'm sure all the good vibes from our fellow omleteers help, in fact I'm sure they do.

Here's to speedy recovery.

Regards Nicola

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Just to update you all again. My grandma was moved from the ward back to the private part of the hospital as she was well enough and had started eating small amounts and moving around so we were all hopeful that she would have come out of hospital within days. However then she got an infection which knocked her back as she was on more medication to fight the infection which made her sick, therefore not wanting to eat, so slowing the healing process down. So she has been in hospital for an extra week because of the infection.


Good news is that she was told by the nurse yesterday that she should be able to be discharged today. However they havn't been very clear so its all up in air. It has been planned that my auntie(grandma's daughter in law-who has split up from my grandma's son. Plus her son has not made the effort to visit his mum in hospital. There was a plan that he was going to come up with his new wife when his ex wife would also be here! :shock: But thats another ramble!) was coming up from Malvern to stay with her so it wasn't disrupting my mums or my other aunties life too much because of looking after children, work etc. Plus my other auntie trained to be a nurse which is good. Anyway she has travelled up today thinking that she was going to be discharged but still by 2pm this afternoon we hadn't heard if she was coming out :roll: So my 2 aunties went to Christies so they could either bring her home or just visit her if she has to stay for a few more days. Its seems very unorganised to me but they have their system and a lot of paitents to look after i guess.


Anyway hopefully she will be out today or in the next couple of days, so she can settle back in at home. So good news and hopefully the cancer doesn't return :pray:



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Discharging someone from hospital can be more complicated than people think. As a former Discharge Liaison Sister I should know. :lol:


Glad to hear your grandma is on the mend and fingers crossed she's home soon and back to her usual self. :D

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