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Dogs and Chicken poo

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We got our Chickens last Friday and the dog has calmed down nicely around the chickens, but I am having a huge problem with him eating the Chicken poo!

He is frantic to get to it eats it straight out of the bucket when cleaning out the tray and when I move the Eglu around the garden, he goes mad and will not come in or leave the grass alone even though i have swept the grass up as best i can.

Does anyone else have this problem or do I just have a disgusting dog !!

Does anyone know if it is a problem am a little worried he is going to get a nasty infection ?

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My foster dog eats chicken poop. And is always hopeful for a dropped egg too! Shell and all.


She also loves 'rabbit raisins' and crunching on dead crabs washed up on the beach. Fishy rotten crabby dog breath is not nice either. :vom:


Why do they always look so pleased with themselves afterwards? Always wanting to give you a kiss? :silenced:

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Just a word of warning - your dog might feel the need to part company with his partly digested chicken poo rather suddenly all over your carpet. :shock:


Yep - had this happen last week. Our pen is sectioned off from the rest of the garden and I can only assume Bad Dog Moocher reached into the compost bin to feast on the contents.


Then it made a reappearance an hour later. Delightful.

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Just a word of warning - your dog might feel the need to part company with his partly digested chicken poo rather suddenly all over your carpet. :shock:


Then it made a reappearance an hour later. Delightful.


Twice today in the house, and once in the garden to the great interest of an Orpie :vom::vom: !.....and the smell....I was almost :vom: !


Gave me the opportunity to use the new carpet cleaner again though (twice!), so every cloud has a silver lining.... :dance: !


Sha x

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Bad Dog Moocher had me flying down the stairs yesterday morning with that familiar honking sound.


6am. 6AM.



As if it wasn't bad enough that it was really 5am as the clocks had gone forward.


I am a demon runner when vom is imminent and he made it out the door quick-sharp, with a look of complete shock on his face. No sick on the floor... hurrah!

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Bad Dog Moocher had me flying down the stairs yesterday morning with that familiar honking sound.


6am. 6AM.



As if it wasn't bad enough that it was really 5am as the clocks had gone forward.


I am a demon runner when vom is imminent and he made it out the door quick-sharp, with a look of complete shock on his face. No sick on the floor... hurrah!


Glad it wasn't just me then..... :wink::D


Cookie has had a dodgy tummy since Sunday morning now and I hate to say it but there is more than a whiff of chicken poo about it :? I started worming the girls on Friday so not sure if thats the problem.

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Oh the contents of this thread are so familiar :oops: My two lab crosses in true lab- style will eat anything they can get their mouths around. I have to keep the cat tray locked away when they are around as I have even caught them sifting through it and eating the contents - GROSS :vom: As for chicken poo- well it's just an alternative on a doggy treat.

I am rigorous about worming though -chooks and dogs and cats.


The strange thing is when I do the dog poo collection, the chickens follow me around almost trying to eat it - I don't let them though :shameonu:

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