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We have joined The Herd!!!

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Sorry for all these questions!




Dont worry about the questions - i asked loads of them before i got my girls.


The girls are not in wooly jumpers right now but Flump & Mojo may need them on soon if the dont get feathered up! :shock:

When we first got them they spent the first three days in the dining room in their Eglu - we are renovating so couldnt care less about the state of the place! :roll: We turned the radiator to its lowest setting so the girls could start getting used to cooler temperatures than they were used to in the battery farm.

The girls then spent 4 days in the garage with no heating before going outside a week to the day after we adopted them.

At night i put a little microwave snugglesafe warmer into the eglu tray under the roosting bars - it stays warm for 10 hours & keeps them cosy til morning.


I too was concerned about the cold temperatures but the girls love their eglu and pop back into it for a warm or shelter from the wind during the day.


Hope this helps Tina! :D:D

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We got another egg today but no one is owning up to it :anxious:


It was a major farce getting the girls into bed tonight! :roll:

I thought i had got all four in the Eglu and quickly shut the door but then realised i had only got 3 in - Spangle was being a little rebel - she must have circled the Eglu 4 times and each time i opened the door to shoo her in another one of the girls would pop out and escape :roll::roll:


Bless them :lol: They must be getting better if they are causing trouble :roll:


Katy stood by me when collecting eggs so I said "look it's your egg" and she pecked it :shock::lol:

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Spog is in the dog house today :evil: - that is if chickens can go in the dog house! :?


Just got back, only popped out for a couple of hours, and poor Mojo was bleeding from her neck :shock:

The poor little thing was just beginning to grow some new feathers and there's Spog pecking them out! :shock:

We have bathed Mojos neck with a warm weak solution of salt water and she seems fine now. We will be keeping a close eye on her though.


We think Spog has changed her tactics and is now picking on Mojo as Mojo has always protected Spangle from bullying by Spog!

Well im having none of it :shameonu: - there will be peace in the hen hotel and the wild partying by Spog will have to end! :talk2hand:

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I know :( but i do think she will do very well in the diplomatic core though - her duties at keeping the peace and all :lol::lol:


Just ordered some anti peck spray, violet stuff & pecking rings from the Domestic Fowl Trust. Come on Spog bring it on! :lol:


Cut some aloe vera off our plant tonight & put some on Mojos neck so hope its less inflamed in the morning.

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We found the anti pecking spray from Ascots to be really good - our lot our moulting at the moment and everytime Nigella's feathers start to sprout on her bottom, the others peck them off :roll: Last night we found that she had two broken (snapped off?) tail feathers - blood and white feathers tend to look rather horrific :shock:

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Thanks guys - it took forever to get the thing up :roll: but we eventually made it!! :D:D:D


The girls seem to love it so we are happy.


Hemcore Martin - fantastic stuff! The pooh just disappears into it and doesnt smell either 8)

I use it in the eglu tray too - that gets cleaned and disinfected every week.



BTW is it just my girls or do your chickens eat SHED LOADS too? :shock:

My girls can eat a whole feeders worth of layers mash in just a day! Please tell me if mine are just greedy - should i be limiting their food intake?


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You really must Karen!

Id love to see your girls and compare them with my scraggy lot!

I could show them your girls and tell them what they should look like then! :lol::lol::lol:


So glad mine dont need to start the Atkins, G.I or Rosemary Connelly just yet! :roll::roll:

Need to get some more food the weekend - they will have eaten nearly 2 thirds of a sack in 3 weeks - mind you im sure they chuck a lot of it about though! :roll::roll:

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