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The Weather Thread # 4

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I don't believe you Old Speckled Hen! I think you are telling porkies!


No porkies :D:D The last two days have been horrendous with lashing rain and hurricane winds :(:(


Just been out across the field and into the woods with the dog .


Here's two snaps for you.


Though the Oaks and Ashes are now bare there's still plenty of colour in the trees




AND here's Coniston in the background with a little cloud on top.

Soon be snow :!:



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What beautiful photo's. We still have tons of leaves to come off our blooming oak. But it has been lovely for the past couple of days - a little bit of rain on Saturday, but the afternoon turned nice. The black clouds have come rolling in from the west this evening though.

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Our blue sky grew and we actually had lots of sun in the end. While I waited for DS's interview to finish I had the car windows wound down and was inspired to draw some trees - haven't done anything like that for years - such a nice relaxing afternoon in the late afternoon sun. Ahhhh bliss. :D

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