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The Weather Thread # 4

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What contrasting weather!


Yesterday was beautiful and I spent all day at the allotment, mulching well-rotted manure onto my beds. Even my bees, who I thought had snuggled down for the winter, were out and about. :D


Today is dark, windy and it has been raining all night. No allotment for me today. :(

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Our lane is awash with water pouring off the hillside. A couple of houses at the bottom are being sandbagged .... just off to see if I can help. Thank goodness we are on a hill.


Wow OSH, I was just commenting the hubby yesterday that it's a good job the terrain here copes so well with rain when you consider how much we have. It's horrible in the west of the county too, strong winds and driving, torrential rain all night, which is not due to stop until chicken letting out time tomorrow morning. We're on a hill too, and close to the sea, so it'll be interesting to see the effect of the weather and the high tide. At least the weekend is due to be dry. :)


I got drenched letting my chickens out this morning and I haven't been out again to check, but I guarantee that some of them will be out in the rain!

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Well we were warned I guess. Jools you're probably as soaked as we are. Have kept hens in.

Hubby's work place is at an old watermill on the Kent river and the water coming over staveley weir is OVER the road bridge. They are busy sandbagging the factory. There is a house across the river there that we once thought of buying. I should imagine they are in trouble there as the river must be a real torrent. Will talk to him at lunchtime. Claret, I don't suppose anybody will be out on the hill but they did get called out to river rescues last time it was like this. Fingers crossed.

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Me too Claret, me too. Saw the lunchtime news and they were somewhere in Cumbria. Doesn't look good. :( The water is flowing so fast too. We (and trying not to rub it in too much) have sun and the wind has dropped a bit. A lady in mum's knitting group says Hook is on a flood plain. I would beg to differ - the surrounding areas are low, but for the main part Hook is on a hill but there are an awful lot of underground springs dotted around. My friend finds it hard to get insurance for her house because they have decided that addresses in Tonbridge are liable to flooding because there is a river there - even though she is on such a high hill you need ropes and clampons just to walk up the path to her house from the town! :roll:


Keep safe everyone in the murky zones!

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Well that was interesting! I thought it was just another wet and windy day half way up our Cumbrian hill ....... until we thought we'd head down to the estuary to see the high tide at lunchtime. It seems we're trapped half way up our hill with all exits well and truly blocked.


Never mind. Woodburner lit. Generator at the ready for when the power inevitably goes. And a wet suit for chicken shutting up time. :lol:

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A cloudy day today although the Sun tried to break through at lunchtime. Quite mild for this time of year and just enough of a breeze to dry my washing.


The flooding in Cumbria looks awful, think I had better give MIL and SIL a call to see if they are alright (they live in Kendal).

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A cloudy day today although the Sun tried to break through at lunchtime. Quite mild for this time of year and just enough of a breeze to dry my washing.


The flooding in Cumbria looks awful, think I had better give MIL and SIL a call to see if they are alright (they live in Kendal).


The Kent is a foot from the bottom of Victoria bridge with more rain on the way.

I hope they are somewhere high :(:(

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It sounds like Cumbria has been hard hit again with roads and therefore schools closed all across the country. Here's a picture of the flooding at Duddon Bridge today at high tide. There are pictures from around the county on the Radio Cumbria website here. The rain isn't forecast to stop until tomorrow, so the high tide around midnight will be "interesting"!

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