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Summer must be on its way!

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Just noticed the time..nearly 4.15!!


The girls have been out playing nearly all day. Must fetch them in!!


It's a long time since they have been out as late as this.


The days must be getting longer!


P.S....I do keep checking them...just didn't notice the time...engrossed with ironing and hopping on and off the forum!

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Oh, yes...I noticed the days are getting longer too. The shortest day has been and gone, so it's all downhill from here.


We've been decorating our kitchen for the past two weeks, and we're on the home stretch today. We've noticed a real difference in the amount of light left at this time of day. Two weeks ago we had to down tools at 3pm.


Hurray for the summer!


and hurry up....!!

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Last night I was waiting for daughter and friend to come out of an am-dram panto performance (her form tutor was in it , so it was a must go event :wink: ). Anyway, Mum's taxi here was worried about being late, so got there well early :oops: , and the production overrran, which left me standing outside this village hall in the back end of nowhere in Kent for about 30 mins between 10- 10:30pm....... and it wasn't cold :shock: At all. There was a pleasant light breeze blowing, and OK i was wearing a thick ski jacket, but thin leggings, t-shirt, crocs, and no hat or gloves or anything, and I really, genuinely wasn't cold :shock: .

What the heck is going on with the seasons. If I ever expect to be cold it's late evening in January :roll:

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A nice long sunny day would go a long way to drying the ground up. Everything here is sodden :? (or should I say everything which hasn't blown away!). I overheard two people discussing the weather yesterday, and one was convinced that February was going to be cold and harsh :shock: . It will be awful if it starts freezing over all this moisture :roll:

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Another stormy, freezing cold, wet day here, with the wind removing (yet again) a couple of the roof panels from the greenhouse. I've spent more time doing greenhouse repairs this year so far than I have spent time on the forum, I think!

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Ditto Shona :roll:


One roof panel from the chicken run completely shredded :twisted: The greenhouse door has had emergency repairs with the aid of duck tape :lol:


Three days of cold, wet and very windy weather :( Tonight the heating and the fire have been on :shock: I can hear the wind whistling about the house still :(


I can't wait for longer days, dark here by 4.15pm :( so chickens in bed at 3.30pm.


Roll on Summer :D:D

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I found the silence strange this morning as well Snowy. We had a lovely day yesterday but then suddenly, last night, we had howling winds and lashing rain - just out of nowhere. This morning is all calm again.


From when Lauren was born Jan 12 1998, she has had snow on her birthday every year until last year. No snow this year either. My daughter's birthday is today, she could always guarantee snow for her birthday - not anymore :?

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It's a beautiful morning here - the birds are singing :D:D


The girls were up nice and early this morning - 7.20am and for once it was just light enough for them to go straight out into the garden - ahhh happy chooks.


Saw our little hedgehog last night - had a feeling he was up and about again as someone had been eating the hedgehog food.


The magnolia tree is in full bud a looks as though it wants to bloom any minute now :shock::shock:


Nature's all a bit topsy turvy at the mo :?:?

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It is 4 degrees here but lovely and sunny and the wind has died away (thank goodness). I have just walked Rosie and we saw our first snowdrop - it is incredibly early for them (the girls put paid to anything growing int he garden). I wonder if in the future we will have to explain to children and grandchildren what it was like to have snowy winters - anyone who says global warming does not exist is fooling only themselves. We have not had even a flurry of snow here this winter and not that many frosts really!

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It's still windy here, but sunny.


Half the greenhouse is in next doors garden, and the chickens are knee deep in mud. We have chickens coming for their holidays this week, and I'm not entirelly certain where to put them now - the garden is a giant mud bath!

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We have a clump of daffodils in bud. :shock:


Last Saturday we went walking along the canal in Stroud and whilst walking past some cottages they had a whole flower bed of daffodils IN FLOWER!


I didn't have my phone with me to take a picture but the seasons really have gone to pot this winter - surely it should be COLD by now.


The girls have been out in the sunshine today and it's glorious here, I've been out there feeding the laydees in a t-shirt! Still if it sorts out the mud and dries it out a little I'll be happy!




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We have a clump of daffodils in bud. :shock:


the seasons really have gone to pot this winter - surely it should be COLD by now.




I agree with you Andrew. I would like to have at least a bit of winter before we move on to Summer! :roll: I think I have only had to s"Ooops, word censored!"e frost off my car three times this winter. Last year we had some good snow here at the end of February, so maybe there is still time for proper weather! :D

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Glorious weather here in Stratford today. We had lunch in a restaurant by the river, near the Theatre and it was like Spring, lots of people wearing T shirts.


We came home in time to collect the eggs and watched the Barn Owl as it came out to hunt - magical!



sounds like the perfect day to me :wink:

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What a coincidence! :shock: I was out in the countryside this afternoon we saw a bird flying above a ditch a little bit of a distance from the road. It looked like bird of prey but it was too far away to have a good look. Then just a bit further down the road, we saw another one very close to us. It was a barn owl, no doubt about it! It was beautiful - I felt privileged to see one so close in the wild. Good job I was the passenger or I would have crashed! :roll:

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Sunny today and yesterday down here in Cornwall. But the forecast is downhill for the rest of the week :x more rain and gales :x I,ve also heard next month is going to be harsh, we will just have to wait and see, I hope it snows :D trouble is I have bluebells half way up in my garden :?

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