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Diagnosis at last!!

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Oh no poor poor Lauren sending ((hugs)) to you all and :pray: the brace and everyone needed will be there and that it will help. When i was in hospital and hooked up to lord knows how many machines and drips etc and had a catheter as i wasn't allowed out of bed, it was my TOTM to and i was so so :oops: so can only imagine how :oops: poor Lauren must feel at her age.

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:cry::cry: Goodness, I'm so sorry Lesley, and really upset that lovely Lauren should be suffering like this, it's horrendous.

What a nightmare, I do hope better times come very soon. I do feel humble that it puts any problems I have in perspective, when life feels hard.

You didn't rant, you are always eloquent.

Sending all my love and support, and wishing for some improvements. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Thank you all.


My daughter was struggling to keep it altogether when she phoned me this morning, I waited until I was off the phone bfore I cracked and then that upset Carl as well :roll:


I managed Aquafit by not changing into my cossie until I'd phoned and made sure i wasn't needed to take them to the hospital and phoning again as soon as i was out of the pool. I called in on my way home to help daughter to get Lauren showered and hair washed. No big hugs, just 'air' hugs and my daughter was all "don't be nice to me or I'll cry" so we glued our usual smiles back on. Lauren was lovely with me but grumpy with her Mum and was throwing clothes out of the wardrobe, using her hands like flippers as she's not able to move her arms much. Getting her dressed was a bit of a nightmare, she needs some stretchy clothes which have full openings....not something you'd usually find in a 13 year olds wardrobe :roll: Just as Lauren was ready for her shower, and before I arrived, my daughter's friend phoned to say Jake and his friends were on their way.........nooooooooo!!!!!! The friend had to dash down the road in slippers and half dressed to call them back :lol: It's not easy to close the bathroom door with three people in there.


The hospital phoned while I was there and have made an appt. for tomorrow. She has to see the shoulder specialist even if the brace hasn't arrived. He has previously mentioned surgery but it's something to be avoided in EDSh and is usually a last resort because of the ligament and collagen defect. Her shoulders are multi-laterally unstable which is quite uncommon and that does not help.


I had to dash back and collect Carl and both dogs as they were due their (belated) check ups and decided to take Lauren along as well - a break for my daughter and a change of scenery for Lauren. The Vet wouldn't give her any horse meds :wink: - I tried....... :wink: (and the afore-mentioned TOTM started while we were out :roll: )


At the moment she is using her right arm which has the long-standing shoulder dislocation to do things because that shoulder is still out anyway. Tomorrow, she will have an immobilising brace on that and isn't to use the other one :? She can't eat, drink, wash, dress or go to the toilet on her own and it will be worse tomorrow. If they suggest she stays in hospital she'll be off like a shot (as long as her hips, knees and ankles hold up :lol: ) and she'll refuse to go on the ward.


We've always told Lauren that life isn't fair and she's used to that and also that there are worse things she could have.....but it doesn't always help.


.... and guess what??? - she's still smiling!

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I know she's very young Lesley, but could she take the contraceptive pill to take periods either out of the equation or at least controllable or is that not advisable with her condition? At least it would be one less thing to worry about in these difficult times...


Gentle giant {{{hugs}}}


Sha x


Daughter and I were talking about that earlier as it is very clear now that Lauren's problems are hormone related, we were told that from puberty to late twenties would be the worst time. She went to bed early last night saying she didn't feel right, she knows something will happen but never knows which joint will be affected. Her second shoulder has been out twice since going out this afternoon, my daughter has managed to put it back in......


Reluctant to go down the route of contraceptive pill as she has not long started her periods and also my daughter had problems and couldn't take it.......... but it is another area to research :?

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Don't worry - nor do we anymore :)


Lauren has had the brace fitted - needless to say, she hates it :roll::lol: She has to wear it for three weeks initially. Her right shoulder is now not dislocating backwards (posterior dislocation) or forwards (anterior) but is dislocating inwards (inferior) :shock: The Consultant admitted that he has no idea what else to try so hopefully it will work.


The left shoulder is still slipping in and out so has to be braced across her chest. She's decided that she is going to use her left arm very occasionally to enable her wash herself and sort out any intimate stuff but most of the time she will accept help. I popped over this morning to take some tops which she can step into and not have to put her arms into - Mum had dressed her, Dad was cleaning her teeth and I brushed her hair :D - team effort :D I'm going to adapt some of her favourite tops so that she can step into them.


Fingers crossed for the next few weeks.


Can't remember where I read it but it was to do with doctors being (or should be) taught that 'when you hear hooves, think Zebras not Horses' - in other words don't automatically look for the obvious.......unfortunately, it always seems to be horses.......


EDSers are not even Zebras, they're Unicorns - complete oddities :D

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Oh help! you really couldn't make this up - Lauren is supposed to be staying here overnight and while we (me and daughter) were on the phone trying to decide what to do for the best, daughter's mobile rang - son-in-law had taken Lauren out with him and he's just swerved to avoid an accident......both her shoulders are back out :(


Don't know whether to laugh or cry :?

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We did laugh - hysterically :lol:


Both shoulders were put back in by son-in-law and they went home - to find that the cat had given birth under Jake's bed! It had started off on daughters bed and left one kitten there and then gone to Jake's room and had three more! All kitties sorted out and now Lauren is here for the night....... :? I must be mad - fingers crossed that shoulders stay in .......or we'll be getting her Dad out of bed in the middle of the night :shock:

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We did laugh - hysterically :lol:


Both shoulders were put back in by son-in-law and they went home - to find that the cat had given birth under Jake's bed! It had started off on daughters bed and left one kitten there and then gone to Jake's room and had three more! All kitties sorted out and now Lauren is here for the night....... :? I must be mad - fingers crossed that shoulders stay in .......or we'll be getting her Dad out of bed in the middle of the night :shock:


Oh god! At least you can't say your life is dull :lol: But maybe you'd like a bit of dull now. I really do feel for all of you in this situation. I know it's Lauren who has to go through this, but you do too. I know as I am there right now with my ED. I hope something is done for both our girls - and quickly (((hugs)))

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We did laugh - hysterically :lol:


Both shoulders were put back in by son-in-law and they went home - to find that the cat had given birth under Jake's bed! It had started off on daughters bed and left one kitten there and then gone to Jake's room and had three more! All kitties sorted out and now Lauren is here for the night....... :? I must be mad - fingers crossed that shoulders stay in .......or we'll be getting her Dad out of bed in the middle of the night :shock:


You couldn't make it up could you :lol:

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