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Diagnosis at last!!

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Sorry to hear you're going through similar as well BK.


Thank you for all the good wishes - I thought I'd post a photo so that you don't all think there's some Munchausens going on :wink:


This was Lauren ready for bed last night......


Twenty minutes later - as she fell asleep - her left shoulder was out.....she told me how to relocate it ( :vom::shock: ) and then I had to hold it in position until it felt less lax. Three times it came out and it was 1.30am before she was able to settle down to sleep and then I couldn't go to sleep until 2,30 in case she called and I didn't hear her :? She hasn't had a nights sleep in two weeks now :( , I was shattered after the one night so I can only imagine how my daughter and son in law must feel. They said they did manage to relax and even had a glass (or two!) of wine.


It's so strange cleaning a 13 year olds teeth :shock: ....and putting on her make-up :eh: and I kept leaving her strapped into the car and wondering why she wasn't getting out :lol:

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I don't think she smiled much today - apparenty she went into complete meltdown and refused to wear the braces....when she was made to wear them she refused to go out in them.....she lost that argument as well :lol: I can just imagine the look on her face :roll: (can't imagine who she takes after :wink: )


She had no dislocations last night so at least she had some sleep at last - when her Mum went in to wake her this morning she'd wriggled out of the braces in her sleep and had one arm over her head :shock:

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Lesley has very kindly said I could post about my ED on this topic.


My ED (14) has a condition called Chronic regional pain syndrome. The nerves in her feet are firing to say there is pain but there is nothing physically wrong. She has had it for 2 years in her left heel, but March this year she sprained her ankle (I posted about it at the time). Unfortunately her ankle has developed the same condition so she is now in a wheelchair and crawls around at home using my gardening knee pads to get about, and is in constant pain :cry:


Well, I didn't really want to dwell on her and the condition, more about the possible medical breakthrough that might have just occurred. http://www.kcl.ac.uk/newsevents/news/newsrecords/2011/07July/Discovery-why-sunburn-hurts-could-lead-new-pain-relief-drugs-inflammatory-conditions.aspx If this is the case, they may be quite close to developing something that can help her :dance: I just pray that this turns into something positive and she will no longer be in any pain. Soonish would be nice :pray:

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Your poor daughter BK. I so admire both you and Lesley (and the rest of your families) for coping with all this - it must be so hard on everyone involved. It really makes me aware of how much I take the health of my children for granted. Will be saying a few prayers for you both. xx

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I'm glad you've come and posted BK and I'm sorry your daughter is still suffering. I do hope there is soon something that can be done for her pain. Would she be able to use crutches and keep the weight off her feet?


I've been laid up all week with my back in spasm and a painful hip for the second time in 2 weeks and I really don't know how our two girls cope with being in constant pain


Lauren's shoulder dislocated the other way a couple of days ago and so she can't use the special brace - she's :dance: because she hates it. She finished school today and was going shopping and for pizza with 2 friends this evening - food she doesn't have to cut up 8)

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Sorry Claire, we've been away for a few days and I missed this. Thank you for your kind thoughts.


I had a phone call at 10.30 as Lauren wanted to talk to me - both her shoulders came out last night and again tonight at bedtime. Her Dad has put them back in but then she realised that her back is really bad and she can't breathe properly, she was crying down the phone :( . She couldn't move at all and her knees had locked up as well. I'm still up waiting for a phone call to see how they've got on and in case I'm needed to go and help.


I should imagine her back has gone because she hasn't been able to use her arms/shoulders to help herself up for the last few weeks now.

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Aww Lesley it seems incredible that things just seem to be going from bad to worse for Lauren, I had really hoped that there would have been some progress for her by now. She, and all the family, show such courage, dignity & strength in holding everything together. My heart goes out to Lauren, I hope that things start to improve for her very soon, and whilst I'm no longer a regular contributor to Omlet forum, I do still thing of you regularly and am in awe of the way you keep on coping & smiling & being there strong & supportive for her.

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Not really.......... :(


Lauren had to go to hospital in an ambulance at 2am – she had agonising back pain, couldn’t breathe in properly and lost the use of her legs so had to be manoeuvred out of the house and in to the ambulance. They had to wake her brother so that he wasn’t woken by the screaming.

They don’t yet know what is wrong and were hoping it may just be an impingement from having her shoulders relocated so many times – they had both dislocated on Saturday night and again last night. She’s had so much entinox, morphine and valium that she’s also had anti-emetics and is feeling pretty poorly – she did speak to me on the phone earlier.

Birmingham Children’s Hospital is on standby to take her in and she’s had X rays and is having an MRI scan around now – fingers crossed for her.......


Thank you all for your kind words :) - it's good to have somewhere I can talk.


My own problems pale into insignificance compared to Lauren's - I still have a painful hip, painful back and my ankle 'went' on Saturday so I still need help showering and dressing. We went away for a few days and I was determined to ignore it all and hoped it would go away - I think I made it worse by walking :roll:


It's Jake's leaving do at school today so my son is going to collect me as I can't drive and we'll go to see the play - at least Jake will have his Grandma and Uncle there and we're to take lots of photos to show Mum and Dad.

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