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Is this the new Mark 3 ?????????????????

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I had to get green (OH insists), they asked me if I wanted a chook or two as well and I said no. But maybe I'll change my mind when we arrange delivery and I pay......I suppose it depends on hatching in a couple of weeks. I'd like to take a couple of ex-batteries but the last couple I introduced got a lot of bullying, and I'd worry. At least with the chicks, their mother protects them and they seem to integrate much more easily.

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I can't sleep. :evil:


I am also having mild panic attacks about moving the Eglu cube with the run attached. It looks like the wheels have a kind of lever to raise the frame part of the legs, but how do you get to the lever if its inside the run??? :roll::?


Might have to give the boys a ring if "Ooops, word censored!"ody can put my mind at rest about this.


Anyway, off to make some hot chocolate.


Night all.


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I've been wondering if the chickens will escape from underneath when the wheels are being used.


That aspect of the design is quite traditional though, and has been used on wooden "chicken tractors" for ages, so it must work.


I wonder why they are known as "tractors"?....

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When I first saw the picture of the Mark 3, I decided we would like one, however, we can't afford it :cry: However, a few days ago, I found the competition and entered it.:pray: I have only found the link here this evening. Hopefully someone on the forum will win at least one of the new Eglus.


Looking at the dimensions, it looks like there would be no problems with fitting it in the garden, if only we had sufficient finances .... :!: Oh well, we can all dream!

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Got a copy of the GYO mag this am. Noticed that the competition rules say one entry per person. Him Indoors will be entering unbeknown to him!. I do hope he wins! :lol: What's his is mine etc :wink:


Ah well yes ermm hmnnn......



I've informed my closest friends that they may have entered a competition to win a Cube should they be contacted :lol:


(we are really good friends so it's ok) and we all have a junkie email address that we'll use for such things in case of spamming.


I too would have to choose green as Joe won't have any other colour




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No stuffing the ballot box, please, folks. Or are you trying to do the rest of us out of our chances to win? :shock:

Him Indoors is just as anxious to win as I am. He just adores "those bl**dy hens" and wants at least 10 more. :lol:


He reckons you only get attention at Egluntine Towers if you have feathers! :lol: My son in Leicester and daughter in Leeds are also mad keen to win. Unfortunately my youngest little angel is too young to enter.

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ok its probably been covered but I'm lost and I have to answer a few questions for someone so could you help

If you get a cube with the extension is that 3 metres entire length (so including the space under the run)?

If you weren't going to free range how many chickens happily could you house in a cube + ext. (we know it says 10 but in reality what would you comfortably do)

I'm sure there was something else but I'll have to get back to you on that



ps and what colours the best for a cube? :twisted:

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I know.....

what feeders/drinkers (new context of word) does it come with? as I heard nipples being mentioned (straight face) yet if you go through the buying bit it says glug and grub


still think there was soemthing else.....


problem with having tipsy conversations

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Yes Bronze: Cube with extension is 3 metres in total, so including the area under.

I am getting this and will not be free ranging my girls. I plan to get 8 rescue chooks, but am thinking there is the possiblity that I may loose 1 or 2. I think 8 would be more than fine though.

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I see what you mean Dan, but surely it'd be a way of giving the hens more room and not confining them. I'd prefer to think of a cube with a mezzanine as being like a giant hamster cage with lots of floors for the hamster to run around on 8) . All it would need would be a giant wheel and some brightly coloured tubes for them run around in :lol::lol::lol:

Not that I'm in a position to buy a mark 3 :(:(

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Hi everyone - me & hubby are saving up for an eglu cube to go with our pink mk2. So yesterday about 9pm we went round piling all our 'aquired' junk into the back of the car for a car boot sale. Got up at 6am this morning , had breakfast & headed out. Car boot sale said starts at 8am for sellers. We got there & it was chocka, no more room & the ignorant horrid man was so rude & says you can't come on... no more allowed! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :evil: He wouldn't understand that all proceeds were for my eglu cube!


So we then drove round looking for another car boot that hadn't already started. Gosh there aren't many these days. Did 40 mile trip driving round, none to be found. So we came home, drank our flask of coffee in dissapointment and had a growl! then we thought where are we going to put all our stuff now. It couldn't go back where it came from as we had ' rearranged' the house! So hubby looked at my Summer house ( glorified shed that i use as a craft & hobby room) & said, clear that chaos and we can put it all in there until 2 weeks time. So we spent the morning doing that - I've got way too much craft stuff, so some will go on ebay...(more eglu money) - we then tidied the garden & made room for moving the mk2 to a new place when we eventually get our cube ( got to raise funds first)!

So now sat down, glass of wine in hand & dropping off, cos so tired!

Cuppa & Corrie , then bed I think - the 3 girls are still up though! :roll:

I will have to go chook charming again ' night night sweetie chucks, night night - that's it - in you go'! :wink::oops:


Emma & Hubby x

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