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Update on my last post in this thread....I've just been down to the City Centre to pre book some train tickets.....


It is now cloudy and grey after a beautiful morning....but goodness me....it has turned cold. :shock: That wind chill factor thingy is definitely about. :lol:

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Freezing here today as well.


I finished work at 1.50pm for my Easter holidays and by 2pm when I arrived home the weather had turned foul :roll:


The rain is bouncing off the pavements and the wind is very strong. I am not going to check the weather forecast, I would rather not know. Lots of things planned for the holidays, mostly in the garden :roll:

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It was beautiful here this morning, now grey and freezing


The forecast for us is snow on tuesday :cry:


Had enough of the cold now I want some warm sunshine.


We have had our Link-a-bord boxes delivered and Harry and Jules put some of them together yesterday evening and the rest we'll do tonight, so that was the plan for the weekend to get them out in the garden

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We Want Snow :!:


It always seems to miss us in South Manchester - Manchester has it's own micro climate so we tend to miss all of the severe weather - we did suffer a bit when it was very windy a few weeks back.


I'd love to see some real snow here though - it seems like we haven't had any since I was a child and that's a fair few winters ago!

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We had storms from early evening yesterday until this morning. I hardly slept as the wind was howling, the Sycamore tree in the garden was creaking :shock: and the roof slates were rattling. No damage as far as I can see in the garden :D


Very cold today. A day for staying in side or pottering in the greenhouse with the parafin heater lit :D

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It's very windy here too, it was very sunny earlier this morning, but the clouds are mounting up now. Just off to Phil's folks for a couple of hours; they live very high up, so it'll be even more extreme there!


Send me some snow Egluntine

My side of Sheffield is windy, but seems confused about whether to hail or be nice and sunny and keeps alternating. :?

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Well, we've just got back from the outlaws - the M40 was maaaively windy on the way over there - we went through sleet, high winds and a bit of snow on the way, then as we climbed the hill to the cottage (they're on top of a ridge in the Chilterns) we got some hail - it covered the lane and was really pretty, bouncing everywhere. It's cold as anything at home now, so I've got the stove lit and it's starting to warm the house up.

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It's started sleeting since we got up. We know something horrible must be coming our way because the farmer was working in the next field until gone 10pm. He's been unable to get the field ready for the last few weeks because of all the rain and we've just had a few dry days, so it was obviously just about workable.

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Well, we woke up to a sprinkling of snow and it's very cold here. we have had some snow showers since, but nothing that's settled.


I hear that more is forecast for later today; north and midlands.


We've just come back from Banbury Farm Supplies - from the top of Edgehill, you could see the nasty grey clouds over where we live. We drove into a massive sleet/hail/snow storm which is headed your way Clare!


The sun is out now - but it is bitterly cold :?

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