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Noisy chook

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One of my girls is really noisy in the morning. I noticed it the other week when I was off work that when it gets light she is almost crowing and wouldn't shut up for over half an hour until I got up and let her out of the eglu run and into their garden pen. Now, it was after 7am when I first noticed so it wasn't too bad (for the neighbours!) Now as it is lighter earlier in the morning the noise starts earlier, this morning it was 6.15 when I was woken up so I got up, put my wellies on (still in jimjams) and let them out :D. It doesn't bother me but I'm sure the neighbours don't want to be woken up that early, especially at weekends. Normally I am out of the house well before 6am when I go to work and I'm not happy to leave them roaming around the garden all day until it is properly secure.


Just hope none of the neighbours has a shot gun :shock::!: I don't want anyone complaining about the noise.

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One of my hens, Edna the spekaldy is very noisey - it seems to be about 10 minutes before she lays and about 10 minutes after - she's announcing to the world that she's just created a gift :D


Other than that she Bok Boks around the pen and the noise is definately no worse than having dogs barking all night somewhere localy.

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One of my hens, Edna the spekaldy is very noisey - it seems to be about 10 minutes before she lays and about 10 minutes after - she's announcing to the world that she's just created a gift :D


Other than that she Bok Boks around the pen and the noise is definately no worse than having dogs barking all night somewhere localy.


Mine only cluck loudly when they hear me in the bathroom (it backs onto the garden) and they know if they cluck loud enough I'll come out and let them out to free-range!

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I sympathise with the neighbours worry. Rita lays early in the morning and boy do you know when she has. I go out and try to soothe her with congratulatory comments and shushing as I can see the neighbours closing their bedroom windows!! :roll::shock::lol:

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im also a worrier about the neighbours.


Ella is VERY noisey when laying and also she's very clingy to Sam, and if Sam wanders off and leaves her on her own in the garden she will cluck as loud as she possibly can until Sam clucks back to tell her where she is :shock: . This isnt great at 7am on a Sunday morning! (for my neighbours).


They tend not to make so much noise when confined to the run. At weekends I tend to make them stay in the eglu with door shut a little bit later (maybe till 7am) then open the door and they stay in the run eating until about 8am...then let out to freerange, when most neighbours are up they can cluck all they like :lol:


Weekdays - let out at 6am, im off to work at 7am so I dont worry so much as I cant hear them clucking :roll:

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My two do that Chelsea!!


I dont understand how 2 small banties can create so much mayhem and noise!! Im quite glad we have no neighbours (at the moment) one side of the garden, and the neighbour the other side is relation to us! Heaven help us when we get new neighbours... I will have to bribe them with eggs!

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I wouldn't worry too much Angela.


Laverne crows when she lays, when the others lay too. Its her way of telling us to come and get the eggs. I have spoken to our neighbours about the noise and they said they hadn't ever heard it. They must be deaf! its sooo loud! :lol:

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Gertie my smallest hen is soooooo loud just before she lays and just after!I too run outside in my pj's looking like a woman possessed...i'm not sure if it's the sight of me in a morning that shuts her up or the sweetcorn :oops: My neighbours have been fine so far, one did ask me if i'd got a cockerel though!!!! :oops:

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I did the leaving the door slightly open thing, and I now shut the door but leave the handle up so that it is unlocked and Trinny can force her way out in the mornings. Apparently the others don't have the conviction to get to the food that Trinny has as they remained in when Trinny was being nursed better inside.

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