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Today! Today! Today! Cube day today!!!

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Omlet day today! Cube day today! Chicken day today! Yipee!!! OH is being sent out for a sauna with his mate, only to return and find a garden with subtly shaded orange cube and 5 chooks!! (and hopefully not a soggy from all the rain, harassed from trying to build a suitable chook area, stressy-headed wife trying to control three exciteable children (and me!), and a ferocious tabby cat! :shock: )


HEE HEE HEE HEE!!! Not at ALL excited!! :clap::dance:

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They're here!!! :lol: OMG they are just fantastic! I really need to put some piccys on, if anyone can give me an idiots guide I'll put them on and introduce our girls!


OH was sent out for his sauna, I quickly got an area ready with wood chip stuff and got THOROUGHLY soaked in the torrential rain. Roy arrived from Eglu just after 11 and whilst he got stuck in to the building I legged it out with middle child to collect our other three chooks from Mr Perfect Poultry.

Then he clipped their wings whilst I held them, then I clipped one, during all of this my three children were basically leaping up and down with excitement! Then they were all put in the Eglu (the chooks not the kids :shock: ) and we've basically been out there watching them ever since!


OH came home and absolutely loves it - even the bright orange cube!

We've all been stood with stupid grins on our faces since they got here. We've had four visitors already, I think I've got trenchfoot from having soaking wet feet since 10.15 this morning, the children even ate their lunch round the cube, I'm due to go to work in an hour and instead of tidying my pigsty house and getting ready I'm on here! I can see that chickens are going to be a great diversion from everything that should be done!!! :lol:


So we are now all chooked up, names chosen, little bit of pecking going on, my garden is almost slug free already where the kids have fed them thru the bars and the girls have devoured them!

I'm cream crackered now - how am I going to work til 2am without falling asleep? This has been like the best Christmas!


Mrs Bertie

plus Kev (OH) Georgia Lauren and Harrison

also Frank the ferocious tabby tiger killer cat

and now....

Rainbow - Black Rock

Loveheart - Gingernut Ranger (can you tell the children chose them?)

Duck - Mrs Pepperpot (all birds are ducks to smallest boy)

Bertie Bird - Exchequer Leghorn

Lulu, short for Tallulah - Maran

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Horray for you!! :D:D:D


Posting photos is dead easy if you use Photobucket.com

You need to register, upload images from your machine,

It then displays several little links under the photo, click on the one that says 'image to post on forum' or words to that effect, and 'paste' the link directly in the message. Once you submit it should appear in the message.


Hope that makes sense.


You are brave doing the wing clipping, we keep chickening out (pardon the pun)




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Well done Mrs Bertie! Everything looks fabulous, bet your OH was stunned to see all your hard work. How did you manage to keep it secret from him!! Your chickens look lovely, and that orange cube - well, I think orange just has to be THE colour for cubes doesn't it? 8)

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