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Today I Picked.........

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Yesterday, we picked...









Our potatoes are doing quite well - I dig up a plant, take off the big potatoes and bury the plant again! :lol: - last year, we lost them all to blight :( .......so anything is good this year!

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Yesterday we picked blackcurrants (about 4 lbs), broccoli (plus extra for the chooks & leaves for the guinea pig), potatoes, raspberries, giant turnip (bigger than the swedes!), and our first cauli of the year. Oh and how could I forget - a whole bed of onions, shallots and garlic which went into the shed & garage by the wheelbarrow load for drying.


No wonder I was feeling warn out last night!



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Well done on the tomato they are late this year, we need more sun :(


We picked 8 mini cucumbers on Sunday and we have had cucumber eith everything this week :lol:


We have at last grown decent spring onions thanks to our raised beds, they take so long to grow I would love to know how they do it commercially :?


The radishes are coming thick and fast at the moment too with all the rain, there has to be something good about rain :roll:

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I have had carrots,beetroot,courgettes & my first pototoes today.


The pots were a bit of a disappointment - only 6 good sized spuds from 3 plants in a bag :?


Then you won't thank me for coming on here to say Layla and I went looking for treasure this afternoon and found 2 kilos of potatoes from 3 seed potatoes in one bag.... :o




We were really pleased as its the first time we have grown potatoes in bags.


And we have three more bags to empty.

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Peas. Tonnes of them. They always look lots untill you shell them. I think we have enough for two meals serving 5 good helpings each.

They have gone straght in the freezer.

We grow the victorian climbing peas. Mail order from Victoriana Nurserys. They grow 6 foot tall. I save the seed every year to grow them again. :D

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Six mini cucumbers, which is great. I eat these like other people eat fruit! I also find them great for sharing with the Littlees. I bite both ends off, then hold them in the middle - and they have an end each.



Lots of sugar snap peas, which again failed to reach the house. I ate all the plum and juicy pods, I shelled the past-it ones and shared those peas between the Big Girls. Scarlett, who is a naked neck, managed to get one caught down the back of her "jumper", which happens quite a lot and always makes me giggle. It did fall out eventually.


My DH also picked dozens of tomatoes. Looks like we'll be making another mega batch of Roast Tomato passata tomorrow.


I just love this time of year.

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550g of blackcurrants which I am turning into blackcurrant jelly.


More tomatoes - passatta will be this affternoon's job


1 yellow courgette, which I'll fry and have with salad for dinner this evening


1 mini cucumber which I'm going to share with the Girls shortly.

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Another huge cabbage, we had one yesterday and it was the best cabbage we have ever grown large and so tender and not a slug hole or slug buried in it.


yesterday we also harvested turnips both purple top and white,carrots and the last of the rhubarb for this season, oh and some perpetual spinach which I wasn't sure about because it seemed a lot thicker than ordinary spinach so I didn't think that it would wilt doen so well in it's own water but it did and was lovely :D


Forgot to get any potatoes for tonights tea though so I will be going back to the allotment when I have finished my cuppa :oops:

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This is a picture of my YD showing off the first of our great cabbages this year.


We really struggle to grow brassicas normally because we have club root on our allotment and very light sandy soil, but with all the rain this year and getting them off to a good start, they have grown quickly and beaten the club root.


We have never grown anything quite like this it has only taken us 9 years :oops:8)

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Busy day today. I picked 1.5kg of blackcurrants, pruned the bushes while I was at it.


I started another batch of blackcurrant vodka with about 800g.


I then turned a load into juice, added it to yesterdays juice, and then made a batch of blackcurrant cordial, and the rest into blackcurrant jelly.


The remaining blackcurrant skins I mised with some stewed apple and am drying it to make blackcurrant leather. The last lot was somewhat sharp, so I've added a little honey this time. Not sure I've added enough tbh!


Off to see what salady stuff I have for dinner this evening.

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