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Little brothers

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Don't know if I should post this or not, but little bro has just been playing out in the garden commando style from the waist down... he just came in telling me he has been pecked by Poppy. He wasn't crying, just looked a bit put out. Maybe she thought it was some new kind of worm :roll::wink:

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poppy picked a little pecker to peck..





soo sorry :oops::lol:


I am rubbish a tounge twisters


Poppy picked a little pecker to peck poppypicked alittle peckertopeck poppypickedalittlepeckertopeckpoppypickedalittle pegxzcgsadrsdgsfdgdfdgfggfbjfghbcv vvghdsfghhbdcgdsffbhcfgdfyubcvgfxcghvbgdsfcvgbdsfggv cfgdsfggvdscfsdaghdsfgdsfb vjrgfggfdytuerbdhfsggtrujdfgdfnhbvtbcgfdubgerdfhgvgygibnfhgytfghnbevfgtefgbdhgffuyhbvdfgjfdghjksdgduhknwebewduerwhujfgfjkbvjhfvbnhjhfdsgyerhvbdfghjd cnbhfgdhvgewtg fhjdsfgdfhnb cvyuhdbhgfyfbfdhgvryu rbghdfgshfdbjdhvcbuyhrfbufhjbyfubfhgfyhfdbghfmcxvvnhxfdggrer?ƒfyuhdfyvhcyefejcdvgbvfgfjhcbvh jfdggdgvfvg d bfvfyjgcvgyvcguyergiuwufergayio.leaguhfgafbvfgy7vcbubdb vuscvfw67354r76 b23vecgydycucybaxcdsj :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::wink:

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