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Bad news :(

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The funeral was last Friday, it was lovely, but really tough. I got back to Glasgow Sunday evening. I'm doing all my exams in August now, and I've been told not to worry about coursework. I've got a few more admin things to sort out here at uni still. I'm missing home. All my friends here are being lovely, but they're mostly busy during the day time with assignments etc, and I'm finding it impossible to concentrate on work still, so I'm feeling a bit useless during the day (I've caught up on a lot of TV though :oops: ). My boyfriend's coming up on Saturday for the last week, as his term finishes on Friday, so there's some guaranteed company, which will be nice :) He over the last 5 years he's known my Dad more than he's known his own, so we're in a comparable situation.


I'm finding myself getting annoyed and stressed by little things that don't go right, and I don't have much motivation at the moment. I'm also not sleeping great, I do get to sleep and I'll be in bed for at least 8 hours, but I wake up every hour or so. I get a lot of headaches as well.


Financially we're going to be okay, we've got enough savings to pay off the mortgage and Dad's pension has a good death in service system. But it turns out there isn't a will. When Mum and Dad got the mortgage and house together, a simplistic will came with that, but it's nowhere to be found and the solicitors don't have it, so Mum thinks maybe they forgot to send it back to the solicitors and it got lost. It just means money's going to be a bit tight for a few months while it all gets sorted through the courts, but I've got plenty in savings and family are all offering to help out. It's just extra things for Mum to have to sort out. We're also going to have to sell both cars and buy a medium sized car pretty soon, as the tax on Dad's car has run out and mine and Mum's insurance runs out next month.


And to finish on a couple of pieces of good news, my sister's not cancelling her hen night (just a meal out) so there's that to look forward to at the end of this month, and the wedding in April. Also, we got a letter back from the organ donation people and Dad's liver and one of his kidneys were able to change the lives of two women who have suffered problems for years, so that was brilliant news :)

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Thanks for taking the time to tell us what's been going on :D Funerals can be pretty tough, emotionally draining. Its quite normal to feel a bit odd, I remember feeling distinctly remote when I eventually got back to my normal life after 3 weeks back living with the family, like I was living somebody else's life. Things will settle down, they are bound to be a bit strange and chaotic from time to time, but it sounds as though you have a good support network and you are all pulling together. Its great you have something nice to focus on and look forward to, these things are what life is all about.

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Hi Surfer_Chick, belated condolences from me. I got myself locked out of the system for a few months so I've only been able to look and not reply, but my thoughts were with you. It sounds as though you're getting through it. Be careful over the next few months though as it's the time when everything seems to be settled, that the loss hits you. You all seem very supportive of each other and that is a big advantage. I lost my father at a young age, but the positive thing that came out of it, was that it made us stronger as a family and 40 years on, we are all very much a unit. That has extended down to our children who are probably closer than many cousins are. Good luck for the future

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Best wishes surfer chicken, take it easy over the next few months and cut yourself lots of slack. So good to know that some of your dads organs could be used to help others that will make a massive difference to the 2 people's lives who received the kidney and liver

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