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Wonky hair!

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Has anyone had this?


Rosie normally has slightly wavy hair, cut in a bob. In the last 6 months or so, the hair growing from her temples and in front of her ears has turned into a mass of loose corkscrew curls and she's really frustrated with it.


I've no idea what caused it, nor has the hairdresser.... any ideas?


Oh, and it didn't start immediately after her accident, so I don't think it was caused by that.

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As a child I had wavy hair, but as soon as I hit puberty it went properly curly.

It has got steadily curlier over the years too, so it could be hormonal maybe?

At one point just my fringe was curly, which would have been a nightmare, but it was the '80's & it was a fashionable look then, thank goodness!

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When I was younger, I had dead straight blond hair. As I grew up, and had it cut shorter, it became dark but was still straight. And fine hair, but lots of it. I then had it permed from the age of 13 I think and the last time I had it done was 14 years ago. I always wondered why the front always dropped and the back was always curly. I thought it was because I touched the front a lot and pulled out the curl. Seems not, and that I have a triangle of curly hair at the back and dead straight hair at the front! Drives me bonkers as I can have gorgeous spiral curls at the back but nothing at the front. Went through a stage of straightening my hair, but because it is so curly at the back it is really difficult to do this. I do feel for her. Maybe as it is at the front, try straightening it to match the rest? Is your hair or her dad's hair curly? Maybe it will get curlier the older she gets :think:

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Curly hair is normally genetic. It's caused the recessive gene. It's quite possible to have very curly hair when both parents have straight hair, it just means both parents were carrying the recessive gene (see below)


That doesn't explain why previously straight hair would turn curly, and only in one place.


You could try contacting a trichologist to ask, they would know more than a hairdresser. (Maybe http://www.trichologists.org.uk/ )



About Genes:

For every characteristic, we carry two genes which determine what that characteristic looks like (height, eye colour, hair colour, hair curliness, whether you can roll your tongue, etc etc).


Each individual gene can be either "dominant" or "recessive". For each characteristic, you might have 2 dominant genes, two recessive, or one of each. If you have one dominant and one recessive, the dominant gene wins. The "recessive" version of the characteristic only appears when someone is carrying two recessive genes.


Genes are usually represented by a letter of the alphabet. Dominant gene is represented by a capital letter, recessive gene respresented by a small letter.


Let's say that the gene for hair is represented by the letter H.


Curly hair only occurs when someone has two recessive genes (hh)


Someone with straight hair might have either two dominant genes (HH) or one dominant and one recessive of each (Hh). In the Hh case, the dominant characteristic (straight hair) win, and the person will have straight hair (but they carry one recessive gene).


If both parents carry only the dominant genes (HH) then their children will ALL have straight hair. Not only that, but they will all carry HH on to their children.


If one parent carries two dominant genes (HH) and the other has one of each (Hh) then ALL the children will have straight hair. However, some of them may carry the recessive gene (so they might be HH or Hh) which may mean that future generations have curly hair, depending on the other parent


If both parents have one of each (Hh) then the children might be HH, or Hh, or hh. There is a 1 in 4 chance that the child will have curly hair. However, there is a 3 in 4 chance that they will carry the curly hair gene, regardless of whether their own hair is straight or curly.


I used to love this at school. We did countless exercises on dominant/recessive genes, things like having to work out the likelihood of Measles the SPotty pony's chances of having a spotty foal. I haven't done any of it for years.

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I would like to thank my parents for giving me a curlier head on one side and not the other. As for the "cow lick" I'm so not impressed! Erin had gorgeous ringlet long hair when she was little. It's all hair straighteners now for her. Darn it she had the perfect waves going. And why is it grey hair comes through like Zebedee's spring?

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I have gone thorough curly periods and just wavy times! In my 20s and 30s my hair was very curly but, with two boys and three lost little ones in between, I found that after each pregnancy my hair grew less curly and now I am left with a sort of mismatched look rather like a grey Boris Johnson esp since my scissor happy hairdresser got her mits on it last week :wall::oops::shock: !


I think, therefore, its hormonal! Mind you I blame everything on hormones :lol:

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I also think it could be hormonal or connected to digestive health with differing needs at different times, I had long straight hair and decided to have a bob and my hair went very strange started like Miss Hoolie then went really wavy. It's now much straighter also I do have some slight food intolerances and notice changes if I haven't been eating properly.

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Curly hair most definitely has a mind of it's own and is very much affected by hormones! Why Rosie's hair might have gone from poker straight to curly is anyone's guess, but if the curly gene is there then it may just have started to go through one of it's more curly phases. My hair has always been curly, but to differing degrees, from ringlets when I was a baby, to a loose wave as a teenager, and now back to a very strong curl. You do rather have to go with the flow if you have curly hair - or fight it with the straighteners! (But curly hair is so pretty - I don't recommend that at all!).

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Even though I am curly all over, the hair at my temples is probably the curliest & usually ringlets up. I guess its because the hair is finer there - that 'baby' hair that we get.

I reckon Rosie's is starting to curl a lot & it is showing itself here first....keep us up to date!

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