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I know how you feel Cinnamon! I've had it for 7 days now, OH for 13 days!!!!


Back to work on Saturday and my ears are still blocked - can't fly with blocked ears! :cry:


Put your feet up, drink lots of fluids (water :wink: ) and take it easy. Hubby can do the cooking tonight!


Hope you feel better soon.

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Get well soon Sarah, plenty of rest and lots of fluids.


Dan had 2 days off work last week with a very nasty cough. He must have been ill, poor thing, as he NEVER has time off


There are some nasty bugs about at the moment


Take care

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I woke up with a stonking cold this morning too.


I didn't feel it coming on at all...........just wallop stitch that!


I don't feel too bad but the sneezing and the relentless snotty tap is starting to get me down! :roll:


I'm on my second box of tissues! and you should see my sleeves! :lol:


You have my sympathies, but mine is the male version which is always twice as bad :wink:



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Funnily enough I have been taking a low dose of Echinacea since spring,& this is the first cold I have had - normally I would have had 2 or 3 (I get a lot of colds!)


I have now upped my dose,so I am hoping that will knock it on its head.

I have a horrible cough though, & a really tight wheezy chest.

You should have heard me in bed last night.My wheezing actually woke me up - I thought it was a cat fight :roll::lol:

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I usually blast it with Echinicea and vitamin C and whisky :oops:

mainly cos Cathy makes me! it usually does the trick!


Nothing worse than a chesty cough that won't rattle, well obviously there is but it's not very nice and takes yonks to go away.


I smoke which makes it last longer, even if I refrain.


Must stop!



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Phil's a total pain when he has a cold, he stocks up on lemsips and takes to his bed moaning like hell. I usually avoid his house until he's better - can't stand the whinging!!!! :roll::wink:


Proper little night nurse then Clare :wink:


I don't get ill much thankfully........well if you don't count hangovers! :lol:


I just find colds a pain in the horse. I am dreading having my teeth looked at tomorrow with snot running down my face, How embarrasing! :oops: I just hope the tap has stopped by then!



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'It's the weather' according to my Mother in law. Both the little boys have spent the last couple of night coughing, I've got it today and OH has just started complaining. On top of that the littlest one has also had belly ache and squits for the last 2 days (and nights) mgtired.gif Hopefully the worst is over and they might actually sleep tonight. :roll:


Hope all you other sufferers soon get well. Hot toddies all round I think.

*dusts off the whisky bottle*

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There's a lo of bugs and nasties around at the moment that's for sure, at the moment it seems as if every other person I meet is either sufferring with or recovering from a cold.

My sympathies go out to all those of you with colds, I swear by honey and lemon, steam inhalations to unblock the sinuses, paracetamol and rest if you've got a cold, if not Vit C, zinc and Echinacea to ward them off......... I just restarted the Echinacea yesterday :wink:

But please, if you've got a cold stay away from me, I don't want one :shock::lol::lol::lol: . I've only just got over a nasty bout of conjunctivitis (not been able to wear my contacts for a couple of weeks :( ) and I'm really not ready for a cold now.

Take care all of you :D

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I feel utterly awful today light headed hot and cold at the same time and aching. And to add insult to injury after having nothing to do all week I got called out to an emergency. I knew I should have stayed in bed! I cried off on safety grounds cos I thought I might faint half way up a distillation column or something. I will have to go in tomorrow tho. I hope the feveryness has gone by then!


I am slobbing on the sofa watching chicken TV at the mo. Starting to feel a bit better, drugs must have kicked in.


I do hate colds! glad i've never had flu though!


Had to cancel the dentist because of work, I will get there one day!



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it's the refinery type thing, about 300 ft high and ten foot diameter and they sway a bit on a windy day :shock:


The chemical plant makes nylon rather than petrol! They are having a overhaul at the mo and have found some big problems which need repairing in a week. Fat chance! It has to go to Ireland to be repaired it'll take it that long to get there.


I don't mind heights but draw the line if i'm feeling ill and dizzy :shock: Not a good combo its a long way down.



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