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Cate in NZ

Pet hates

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It's supposed to be easier to put a duvet cover on if you have it inside out first, then grasp the two top corners of the duvet & cover together & "roll" the cover onto the duvet.

i change my bed covers every friday- they are in the tumble drier now 8) There's nothing like getting into a nice clean bed :D

(I actually prefer my washing when it has been tumble dried, rather than line dried- I find it much softer). My mum still does not have a tumble drier, so maybe this is a throwback to my childhood. I remember when she used to do all the washing on a monday, & she had this top loading washer that she pulled out of the corner of the kitchen. It had some wooden manglers on one side, which i put my arm in & ended up in casualty once- I don't remeber THAT, though, good job.

I love washing- it's about the only part of housework that I am good at (or is it my machine which is good?) There's something satisfying about an empty dirty laundry basket 8)

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Don't mind most housework so long as its too cold and wet to be gardening. Hate cleaning the oven and changing the duvet cover.

I enjoy ironing when everything else is done and "Ooops, word censored!"ody else is at home. I put some music on loud and pour a large glass of wine and away I go.

Also find ironing very therapeutic when too stressed to do anything but too stressed to do nothing!

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I don't mind ironing and I love getting the washing out on the line.


I hate sweeping up - my whole downstairs is wood or tiles and I only sweep it once a week :oops: .


Another pet hate is that I have obviously been appointed 'expert oven tray cleaner' :evil: - I am the only person in the house that washes the oven trays and its really starting to get on my wick. I haven't been very well the last 3 days and today, when I feel like doing some housework, there are 3 trays stacked up at the sink (the dishwasher has been filled but not in the order I like it :roll: )


While I'm at it I'll have a moan about eldest daughter who decided to have a 'big clear out' this week - this involved removing several 'mountains' of unwanted clothing, shoes, bags, books etc., dumping it in the dining room and saying "Mum, can you have a look through that and see what stuff you want to go to the charity shop" - now today I still feel a bit 'jelly-legged', upset tummy (and thrush :oops: ) from the antibiotics, and I really feel like doing THAT :evil:

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urrgh, urrg, urrgh all of it.. horrible evil house work. I really like my house tidy but really dislike doing it. If you have kids and pets it really is sole destroying as as soon as you have done a chore 9 times out of 10 someone has undone it :? Why do I waste my life?

I too make my kids do some chores. They make their beds, help with hoovering, feed and clean the guinea pigs, unstack the dishwasher. My son is cool with jobs and will do stuff. However my daughter can be a bit hormonal and if she feels like she is not in the mood will throw a strop if I suggest doing something she dosent feel like!

Top hates are-

changing the sheets on sons high bed :cry:

Mopping upstairs laminate flooring in kids rooms as it means tidying up first in order to get to the floor :cry:

Ironing :cry: Stuff it all in the dryer and get it out quick and fold it (not eco friendly. Sorry!)

OH is really good at cleaning bathrooms! Love him for it!

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I like to reminisce about the good old days, pre children, when I worked full time and had a cleaner 8)

My house has NEVER been that clean again :oops:


I hate it when OH stacks the dishwasher but puts everything in the wrong place


I quite enjoy ironing but hate getting the ironing board and iron out


Don't mind hoovering but don't like emptying it


And I HATE HATE HATE picking all the toys up off the floor only for them all to come straight back out again the next morning :roll:

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