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I have to go out about 6pm at the moment and put them in the run because otherwise 2 of them decide to roost in the nearest tree. Tonight I was busy and didn't get out there. The OH had to pluck one from the tree and shoo the other one out. They disappear into the Eglu at dusk.

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Ours have been going to bed between 6.30 and 7, it seems so early and we try to get home and let them have a run around in the garden but we don't usually get back till 5.45 - it'll be really sad when the clocks change and real winter gets here, I doubt we'll hardly see them till the weekends, hope they don't get too lonely - maybe I'll see if my boss would mind me leaving work early every once in a while, don't think he'll be very sympathetic if it's to let the chickens play in the garden!! :lol:

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so - not sure if this is a daft question but do people shut the eglu door at night or leave it open?


We've had a 2nd hand eglu and chooks since Tuesday and they've been kept in the run for a couple of days to get 'homed' - they'll get the run of the garden this afternoon. Currently we just leave them to it and they take themselves off to bed about 6:45 - the door stays open throughout - should we be shutting it?


Once they've got the range of the garden my wife'll be opening the run about 9am and getting them back in around 6pm...

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I'm a softy with mine and I worry about draughts, extra-wily wire-biting foxes etc, so I do shut the eglu door for them after they've taken themselves off to roost - I usually pop out after dinner at about 8 or so, and it means I get to see if they're peaceful and comfy as well :D


We open them up again at around 6.45 during the week and 8 at weekends.


I know that plenty people don't shut their door though - it means you don't have to get up to let them out at weekends if you want a lie in!


There was an interesting thread on here I read about people 'training' their chooks to open the eglu door for themselves in the morning... something about gradually closing the door more and more each night for them to push it open...


I've yet to hear about a chicken who was clever enough to unlock an eglu door though!


Skye x

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The past few days my girls have been taking themselves off to bed at about 7.25pm. However, last night I popped around to my next door neighbours and left the girls roaming the patio at 7.20pm. The whole time I was in the neighbours back garden I could hear the girls really grumbling over the fence and by the time I got back at 7.40pm it was pitch dark and they were all stood on the patio just glaring at me LOL :lol:


They obviously wanted to come with me and were annoyed that their bad mum had disappeared out of sight.

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My girls are currently have been going to bed at the same time as the dusk time on my hand held GPS reciever ! clever girls :D


They are also laying the eggs first thing in the morning at around 7am, they used to lay at 11ish. I assume this change is due to the time of year and light levels ??? Any ideas anyone ?

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ours were in bed at about 6.30 last night!! and they've been taking it in turns laying eggs the last 4-5 days so we only get 1 egg a day off our 2!

they are up literally at the crack of dawn (we've managed to train them to push open their door so don't have to get up early at weekends) - I was up at 6.30 this morning and it was barely light but they were already up

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They are also laying the eggs first thing in the morning at around 7am, they used to lay at 11ish. I assume this change is due to the time of year and light levels ??? Any ideas anyone ?


Same here. Since Chikki sleeps in teh nest box, we're not sure how Boo manages to lay her egg under her, but she manages somehow !!



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