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I can't believe i'm posting this

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oh and you could use a babyborn active carrier and use the bug, i thought they were great.


i have the same problem with my MIL she is a complete nightmare. i did worry about them having edward at the birth of harriet as they assumed they would just have him without waiting to be asked. i had a home birth and edward stayed with us. i told the hospital that if i had to go in edward would be coming as well.

my in-laws are a huge problem we almost got a divorce over them last year.

it is hard to cope with really awful in-laws AND having to do everything yourself is stressfull especially when you have toddler running around with a paintbrush and a baby crying whilst trying to answer the phone and cook dinner then they come to the door :evil::evil:


you will cope, you just learn to and its only hard at the start, as soon as the kids become more independent its so much easier. and when they are older hopefully they will have a great friendship which will make it all worthwile. :D


i do work for hubbies business and i am going to start my masters in feb to help stimulate my brain again as i want to go back to teaching asap which is looking like two years time because of the nursery arrangements. so i am starting to get my life back.

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goodness me! How on earth do you afford to keep buying these prams, pushchairs and accessories!!


When Stefan was born we had no idea what pram to go for and after many demonstrations we chose a Mama and Papa's Pliko. I hated it. Still do. It cost us such a lot of money and has hardly had any wear with Stefan, I couldn't possibly fork out anymore money on another, or would I feel it would be justified, so we're stuck with it.


What's your secret!!

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im a great buget-er!


Thats my secret. My bugaboo cost £565 and i havent regretted a penny. must seem pricey but its not!!!!! Its the most fabulous pram ever! But i did have most other things bought or given me. The great thing about having a 2nd child is i have just about everything i need.


Anyway! I have STILL been thinking about this, scarely i think im in nesting mode as i have cleaned the house from top to bottom, and did 4 hrs of ironing last night. :shock: I am excited about another baby, and i want to make sure when everythings prefect , Then we shall have another!

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i think the key is buying a buggy with a great resale value. i almost never make a loss when selling a buggy (e-bay is great) i have bought second hand buggies as well as new ones and i always make sure i know how much they are worth and look for a bargain. if i dont like it i just sell it and often make some money. i would think that the buggies i have now have purely been bought out of profits from selling other buggies. i am a bit of a pramaholic and have had loads in the last three years, including several pilko p3s which i did quite like although i do go off road alot and they are not that good off road. most buggy covers are removable and go in the washing machine so i have no objection to secondhand buggies as i always have a lambskin footmuff in them.

the bugaboo is worth every penny, its not just a fashion item like alot of people think it is a truly fantastic and versatile buggy. i have offroad tyres which make it great in the woods and mud and i have swivel wheels for the shops. its great!!! :D:D

i will shut up now :oops::oops:

hubbie says all i talk about is buggies or chickens :oops::oops:

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Hmmmm......that's given me some ideas, thanks! My pram is next to new. I reckon I could sell it on Ebay for what we bought it for in the sale last year. I've never been happy with it.


Laura, you'll know when it's the right time to start trying. It will just feel right. Remember babies don't come to order, and it might take a while longer than anticipated. You might want to start trying a bit before your ideal time to give you time to concieve. It's all very exciting, and little Seth will love having a little playmate. :D

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i always take some great photos of buggies in the garden and include a few different angles as people like to see what they are buying. i usually look at the completed listings to see how much they are going for and do a bin or best offer at a good price higher than what i want for it then people will put in an offer and if they are the same as what i wanted i accept it and then they feel they have got a good deal/bargain and you get what you want. i know where there is a good priced (cheap) aubergene bugaboo frog if you wanted one. just dont go for black as they always fade and dont look so nice, i have black and red covers for mine. if you go off road alot the mountain buggies are fab but they are not rear facing so better for older babies and they also last for ever and have a great resale value. the problem with mamas and papas as they change their colours so often that you can tell how old a buggy is by its fabrics, they also dont last as long as they are not made as well and they can drop in value quite dramatically after a couple of years. if you dont like it i would sell it now. have a look around a good buggy shop and chose one you like better. now you know what to look for and then look for a good deal on e-bay. i always look at the pushchairs and prams newly listed as there are often bin offers really cheap, but you have to be quick, so know what you want and the resale value. check what the differences are between the versions if there are any (the p3 has several different versions you can usually tell from the frame how old it is, even if the covers have been changed)

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awww sorry Bronze!!


I cant wait for baby number 2. I just need to loose the other baby weight first. As Popcorn said, it can take a while, but i am sure it'll be ok. Seth was a first try baby.


Seths name is Seth Liibertine and i have already started thinking of new baby names.


But there a SHHHH as i dont like telling people. hehe.


I think i have my mind made up,and ross likes them too.

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oh freecycle is a great idea and the carboot sales often have great bargains. :D


i have been getting broody as well but i keep telling myself that i cant go back to work if i have more, i will not be able to afford the school fees and it will damage the wonderful relationship my two have.

but i do enjoy the toddler bits when they start to really communicate and they learn so quickly, its even more rewarding than teaching and i didnt think i would say that about anything. i am not that keen on the newborn bit but that doesnt last that long in comparison to the rest of their lives. it just feels like a lifetime of sick, dirty nappies, breastfeeding and sleepless nights. :twisted:

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Oh the newborn stage is the best, but most tiring.


There sooo teeeeny and everything is new, the smell of there skin :) although the 20 mins sleep in 5 days when seth was in Intensive care was awful.


Seth is fabulous and hes learnign so quickly, tonight i read him Peter Rabbit and did the voices, and he got up and bounced around his got giggling when i did the Mrs rabbits voice.



Sparkleee, if you dont feel its right, then its not right for you. xxxx

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When I had no 1 16 years ago I bought a very expensive Mamas & Papas carrycot/buggy thing. Hardly used it and it sat in the loft for 10 years before I gave it away thinking my baby days were over.


This time around I bought a pram from a car boot for £20 that got taken to the tip after being worn out by 2 boys. Then I had a Mothercare 3 wheeler bought in the sale for £85. Again used to the absolute max and now in use by my step daughter. Almost falling apart now! I did make a mistake buying a cheap telescopic buggy for £20 that fell apart and was replaced by a Maclaren (most expensive at £90 but brand new and sturdy). Thats still going strong and is about to make it's way to my step daughter for her baby's next stage! :lol:


After buying so much stuff for no 1 that never really got the use, I've been positively tight with these 2. In fact Dan actually got a box of trains for Christmas the other year that I'd found in the loft from when James was little! I often get toys from car bootys for their Christmas and birthday pressies. They aren't old enough to know better yet! :lol:

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yes the car boots are great for toys and baby stuff, i would say 80% of our toys came from the carboot sales. there is one really near me on a sunday that runs almost all year. i buy almost everything from there or e-bay and hate buying new things if i can get it secondhand. as long as they can go in the washing machine, dishwasher or be disinfected i am hapy to buy secondhand. baby things dont get alot of use and they are so expensive. i bought a wonderful musical motorised ocean swing for harriet to sit in when i was cooking. it cost £20 from the carboot, she loved it and i gave it to a friend afterwards she has now passed it on to someone else and its still going strong. it is £100 in the shops so i got a bargain.

i am also a regular at the local auctions. most of our furniture came from the antique or general sales. its not only cheaper but is better quality and lasts longer.

when we have finished with toys i usually take them to the charity shop where thay then go to another home and raise money for a cancer charity.

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I often get toys from car bootys for their Christmas and birthday pressies. They aren't old enough to know better yet! :lol:


Snowy, my friend and I are car boot mad!! It's become an addiction! We go most Sundays.....well, we're both up at the crack of dawn anyway :roll: We normally go to the big one at Croft.


We've got all of Stefan's Christmas presents from the car boot. Got some fantastic toys, hardly used, for pennies. He won't know the difference and he'll get plently of stuff from Grandparents. It's made a huge difference to our purse strings, and we might even get the garden paved before the years out too :wink: the last visit I found some brand new Marks and Sparks jigsaws, got a set of 4 for £1.00.


You're right Sparklee, a good wash or wipe and they're fine.


We also do a mini free-cycle amongst friends. There's a group of us that meet every Friday morning and most of us have swapsey's for each other - toys, clothes, accessories, even food menus.

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Just typed this once and lost it so here I go again. :)


Ideally at least a 3 year agp is good so that Seth will be at nursery or pre-school and you get some time with the baby alone.


As for the Bugaboo well why don't you consider a sling? Not one of the awful ones sold in Mothercare and the like but a really comfy beautiful one like a Mei Tai or a wrap? http://www.slingjax.co.uk/catalog.php?category=3


My LO is 7 months and I never use a pushchair for her she is always in the sling with her head on my chest when she's asleep, it's just so lovely :D . DD who is 3 still rides in my Jane Powertrack when we go out and when she walks then it becomes somewhere to load up with bags :lol: .

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