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Bad mood?

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I don't know if it is the weather or the dark mornings but since I have been on this forum I have never seen any disharmony in the ranks but over the last couple of days I have come accross a couple of skirmishes (sp). :shock:


I for one have been far more tetchy than my normal affable self this week, is anyone else feeling the same?

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I ate a peice of my maids chocolate today :shh:

When she realises i'm in trouble :shh:


It's always the same this time of year , dark nights , you can't get out and enjoy the hens , sit in the garden . It's cold and everything changes , snuggle up and learn to enjoy these cosy nights , play some nice music , make a fuss of each other and calm down . Take a deep breath , hmm are you feeling better now :lol:

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I have felt very very angry for the last two years for varying reasons.

I am in a rut not entirely of my own making, and I need to dig myself out of it, and I know that.


I came close to punching a colleague today: shock: I didn't hold back verbally though!


That really isn't like me!! I am a placid easy going kind of guy by nature.


He is very annoying though, and rather than spend my time discussing his inability to do the job, I chose to do it for him, not my department but, if I am going to spend my time leading him by the hand, I might as well as well do the whole thing. He of course is happy with this, his boss is not so impressed.


Anyway rant over.


I am sure my lack of understanding today was due to darkness of a morning and maybe the traffic! I think the SAD thing will be worse this year because we didn't get a summer.



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Stinking foul mood this morning!


The December roster came out last night and I requested the 23-26 December off, so we could go to Scotland to visit OH's Mum (her turn this year).


I am working the 19-23 Dec, The 24-25 off (at least that is something) then working again 26-29 Dec!!! :evil::evil::evil:


So it looks like i can't go to Scotland! My Parents are spending Christmas in Germany this year. Christmas dinner for one I guess :cry::cry::cry:


Plus its dark and miserable outside, seems like I never see daylight :(


Moan over.

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On the positive side (kind of) I have leave on hold for the 26th. The problem is, I could find out at 6pm on the 25th if the leave has been granted! :evil: By then its too late.


Stupid rostering system!!!


A 24 hour airline and the scheduling department is closed weekends and bank holidays. I have to be there at 5am so why aren't they?


*deep breaths* And relax..........

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I definitely find that as I've got older, I am less willing to put up and shut up, and more likely to voice my opinions! My friends and I are writing a 'turn' for our New Years Eve party, we are going to do a Spice Girls sketch and when I suggested that I would be 'Stroppy Spice' "Ooops, word censored!"ody disagreed with me! :lol: (they are probably scared to!)


However I am also much better at (a) apologising and (b) telling people when they have got something right - if I have had good service, I will say so or write a letter or send an email. Positive feedback is important, and good things deserve acknowledgment (I love the 'Good News' thread on here, by the way!) There have been some rather shirty exchanges of posts recently and it's a shame, but top marks to the Mods for bringing it all back on track.


Couperman - if you know you're in a rut, then you need to do something about it. It may be hard, but it won't be any easier in a year's time! And it may involve hurting people, but they won't be any less hurt if they find out through someone else or by something you do, rather than say. I speak from experience!

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It seems that I have hit a bit of a nerve here. We are all feeling much the same that is some comfort at least. I think that Couperman's point about the lack of a summer is probably very valid :evil:


I think that the good news thread is a better idea and we should all go off and read that from cover to cover. :oops:


Sorry for dragging you down guys or maybe we have all had a bit of rant therapy. :?


Do we need a rant thread to post on first then the good news thread to cheer us up


Off to ED Christmas fair now maybe some festive cheer there :D

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Aha... Maybe it's a virus! :D


I actually stopped talking to my hubby last week when I realised everytime I spoke I was snapping at him - just couldn't help it, I was foul and thats so unlike me.


We have one of those Dawn Sunrise Simulator lamps- they are quite good, its seems to make getting up in the mornings easier, although 5.30am will always be alien in my book :)



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I got one of those Lumiclocks for chookiehubbie this year for his birthday, as he suffers terribly in the winter - it's fab! 8)8)8)8) He's definately brighter, despite the dark mornings, and it's so much nicer being woken up gently by light, rather than harshly by the alarm or radio.

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I definitely find that as I've got older, I am less willing to put up and shut up,


me too but my trouble is once i get going i find it hard to stop sometimes!!!!!! I have a soap box and won't be dragged off it but it's only cos i care.


Also, the older i get the more concerned and aware i become with the state of the world; animal cruelty (the list is endless there!), global warming, the numerous natural disasters the world has been prone to of late, third world issues, the list goes on and it makes me so miserable and sometimes i make myself ill worrying about it all when i have no control over any of it which is why it gets me down so much.


I do my bit but there's too many people that don't give a damn for my little bit to make any difference.

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The only thing about it is, it's on chookiehubbies bedside table, and I sometimes wake up to find he's lying sleeping, with his head surround by the aura of daylight, a bit like a halo.... :angel::lol::lol:

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when i was at work (I'm on long term sick leave) i used to joke that i was so fed up of it all that i was going to run away and buy a croft in the Hebrides and keep goats.


I'm not in the Hebrides but our garden is turning into an allotment and I'm now a chicken keeper instead! :)

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