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The Good Life !!!!!!!!!!!!

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I could be the image consultant - 'those pink wellies are soooo this year, darling! And the birthday suit/coat ensemble - stunning!'


More likely to be the one that gets sacked for not working and spending all my time on a certain forum. :oops:

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Just had a lovely time catching up on your life-changing news Lesley - it is so exciting, if hard work from the look of it.


Just remember all proper farms have lots of messy corners and piles of 'junk' - well you never know when you might need something :wink:


Very many congratulations to both of you


ps when you have a minute ( :lol::lol::lol: ) do update your sig - I really feel you deserve to be Farmer Lesley now :D:D:D

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I thought my topic would be quiet as I wasn't around - how mistaken :(:wink:


We are back on broadband a bit earlier than anticipated because the engineer came back out yesterday and went off to the exchange and fixed it himself! He will probably get into trouble as it is 'someone else's area' :roll: When we phoned on Saturday, we were told that they'd cancelled our order because there was a fault on the line :evil: - the fault that their men had spent all day working on and got up and running? :twisted: We had to re-order which takes another 5 working days :twisted::twisted: Should hve been next Tuesday :shock: - don't they know I have a forum to go to? :wink:


Apart from the BT problem, I have been quite poorly, so the commune idea is back on - you can all come and look after me :D Carl had to call an ambulance in the middle of the night on Tuesday :( I thought it was a flare-up of an old problem but it turned out to be a kidney infection and possible kidney stone - give me childbirth anytime :roll: I thought it might be sympathy pains for Gina :lol: - but Kate tells me she's still waiting?

I've had 4 days off now, which I wasn't planning on :?


Clare - 2 cute kitties are now 3 - another female tabby appeared :roll:

Louise - yes, we will try to catch them all and have them seen to :roll:


The chickens are in temporary enclosures made from Omlet type netting, all surrounded by electric fence - no Jimmy's farm here! :D They are all happy and settled - laying well and scratching around on grass ( :shock: - that green stuff which doesn't usually grow when you have chickens)


............and.............. today we fetch the piglets! :D


I'll be back later

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Looking forward to seeing piggies :D

Sorry you were ill :( , don't overdo it :wink:

Phone people especially BT are rubbish, OH sometimes deals with them :evil:


The box the omlet run extender came in may be big enough to post Martin :idea:

Sorry Martin :oops:

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Poor Lesley, Maybe all the stress of the move has just come out :(


Put your feet up if you can and have a nice cuppa and don't forget the cake :D


Take care of yourself Lesley. We can't wait to hear more from the farm.

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Sounding good Lesley but not so good about the kidneys though :(


Find your local Cats Protection League volunteer as they will have large cat traps you can use to help with the 'alteration' to the feline population :lol:

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I thought my topic would be quiet as I wasn't around - how mistaken :(:wink:



Out of sight, but definatly not out of mind Lesley - we missed you.


Hope you are on the mend now (I thought my aches and pains had eased off a bit) and all is ok. I will remember your kidney stones when I give birth - hopefully within the next 7 days - to help ease my self pity :wink: Gld you've had some good news with the telephone wires, hopefully it will continue with the rest of the house.


I'll just go and start the bus and get everybody rounded up. Should be with you in a few hours....we'll bring our own tea and coffee, but could you make a round of sandwiches while we put the communal tent up please :D:wink:

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:D Good to see you back here, Lesley, and so sorry that you've had such a rotten, painful time. Hope it eases off very soon.

Thanks for giving us a farm update, we've all been thinking of you.

If I could escape, I'd be straight up there to look after you!

Lovely to hear about the chooks being protected, and the pigs arriving today. This is my favourite topic. :D

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Can I add my best wishes too Lesley? Kidney pain is so awful, I feel really sorry for you. Just when you wanted to get on with organising everything and getting it all set up. Do you think it is connected to the back pain before the move?


Don't throw yourself back into things too quickly or too much. You'll have to pace yourself and spend lots of time on the forum to get some rest!

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Lesley, great to see you back and hear the update, but I'm so sorry you've not been well. The pain from kidney stones and acute infections can be excrutiating (or so I've been told) so I do hope you're feeling better..... and drinking plenty :wink:

I do love reading this thread and catching up with what you're up to. Vicarious good living I think, whilst I just day dream about ducks and pigs and farms etc.

Can't wait to hear about the pigs, I bet they'll be so cute. More requests for photos please 8):D:D

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Welcome back Lesley! So sorry to hear of the kidney problems. Ouch! Take it easy: I know it must be difficult and frustrating when you feel like there is so much to do, but it will wait you know!

And anyway...once us lot turn up to help........

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Hi Lesley - lovely to hear from you, but grim about the kidney. Having done the birth and the kidney thing myself, I quite agree - give me birth anyday.


Make sure you find time to drink plenty (water etc that is :wink: ) to help get yourself completely over it all.


Hope the piggie collection went well and you are enjoying them.


I'm sure you wont' have had time to catch up with the forum, so very briefly I now have Wayne, the Guide Dog puppy and atm, gorgeous though he is, give me a baby any day :roll:

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Welcome back Lesley. Sorry to hear you've been so poorly, sound nasty. Take time to rest etc, there's always going to be loads to do, so most of it will wait. Piggies, how exciting, hope collection went well :D

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