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The Good Life !!!!!!!!!!!!

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*Stamps foot*

I want one!!!!!!!

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oo-er - I did hold it but I didn't know I had to kiss it as well :?:lol:


I am totally resigned to the fact that we do need a dog and Carl is ecstatic - he's always wanted a black lab. He has always kept dogs but his last dog stayed at his Mother's when he moved in with me as it was elderly and wouldn't have appreciated moving house.


It is a girl puppy - not named yet although we have a few names being discussed. Please feel free to add any other names 8)


She is 3 weeks old today and we will pick her up in 4 weeks time. Carl's birthday is in July and as we are not taking any holidays this year and we won't be in France for his birthday as we usually are , he decided that now was the time to have a dog again. (I did suggest she should have a French name but he says he's not calling a dog 'Fifi' :lol: )


There have been a spate of burgaries from farms in the area - she'll have to grow quickly and learn to bark loudly


I will feel less vulnerable when she is older as we have no near neighbours.

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She looks gorgeous Lesley :D:D:D

Daughter, who is rarely interested in the forum, instructs me to keep her updated with your new livestock photos. Normally I get pouts and mutterings about things not being fair and "I want one" :roll: , tonight she's got all hot and bothered, practically drooling at the photo and I'm a dreadful mean mother, oh, and yes, she wants one :roll::wink::lol::lol::lol:

I think I'm going to have to stop showing her your postings in order to preserve my domestic harmony.

But Carl's puppy is adorable, even I find myself melting at her photo. I'll look forward to more pictures when she arrives.

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You'd better tell your daughter to start saving Kate :roll::?


Helen - I did notice your sig. just after I'd posted the photo - do you think we could get our deposit back? :?:wink:


We have narrowed the names down to 2 - but we have 4 weeks to think about it yet.


The new chicken runs were finished today. The gates are all on now and each Eglu has its own platform so all the chooks now have shade and their food and water will be under cover. Well, when I say finished..... - we are talking men here :roll: - the latches were not the right ones and will be fitted soon - it is time for the barley harvest :roll: Matthew and friend will be back when they have completed that. The pigs will also get their new paddock then as well.


We are getting a visit from the police in the morning - re Carl's Gun Licence application.

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First cuddle request. 8) Mikey was so pleased Carl had got his puppy chosen. It's complete now just need those goats...please get some goats i love them. Please...Please...Please! Oh and the jersey cow :D:D8)8)

I'll offer to donate a day helping you :D:D



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