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So what did Santa Bring?

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James is one very happy little boy, as well as his sack barrow he got a Vtech laptop and a desk and chair (ebay bargain!) and a "builders jacket" he wanted one with real reflective strips. As you can see in the background of the the picture, Santa enjoyed his drink (he specifically asked to try a fizzy lighterlife StClements drink!) and the reindeer ate most of the carrot.




Scribble also got into the festive mood as I unwrapped my presents




I got my wormery and some jew jammies (size 16!) and much needed new undies in a size that doesn't fall off too!!!

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size 16 - that is brilliant! (I'm hoping for that size for next Xmas!)


What time did James get up? Our two were up at 5.30. They are now playing happily (even my 8 yr old son is seeming to enjoy his sisters Polly pocket :) )


Rest of house is still asleep including DH who seems to have returned to bed.

Cup of tea and chat to the chickens for me, then time to start preparing the veg!



Merry Christmas!

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Well James was coughing all night and this woke him up at 2am. I finally got him to sleep again at 4.30 bless him he was trying to sleep but the coughing was keeping him awake and it took my brain 2 hours to work out that medicine might be of use.


Then he didn't wake up till nearly 7!

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nearly 7 - that's good, despite the middle of the night waking! I was dreading that too, my daughter had a cough and sniffles the night before, I was dreading them getting up at 3.30 and finding Father Christmas had been!


Hopefully you may get a chance to have a nap later (if you're a nap type of person! I am :) )


The pics are gorgeous by the way. :D

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he looks very happy pengy


I was up at five preparing full english breakfast for hubbie and to get started on the turkey.

as for pressies the kids got a lovely wooden kitchen and loads of wooden food to play with, they love it and have been making me cups of tea and sandwiches. it took me ages making it last night and it looks great, it has a cooker, dishwasher, sink, fridge and freezer.


my rubbish husband went out for 4 hours on saturday and bought me a window cleaning kit :shock: which was presented in an old black sack. :shock: i am gutted :(:cry::cry:

i got him a dab radio which he wanted and i trailed the auctions over the last 6 months collecting paintings from a local artist he likes for his present so i am a bit upset. says alot about what he thinks of me!!!i think he might have a divorce as a new years gift :evil:




i am hoping i might get an egg from my girls today to chear me up.

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my rubbish husband went out for 4 hours on saturday and bought me a window cleaning kit :shock: which was presented in an old black sack. :shock: i am gutted :(:cry::cry:

i got him a dab radio which he wanted and i trailed the auctions over the last 6 months collecting paintings from a local artist he likes for his present so i am a bit upset. says alot about what he thinks of me!!!i think he might have a divorce as a new years gift :evil:


And you still made him a cooked breakfast!!! Oh dear - he obviously has trouble with shopping but has good thoughts (unless he spent 3 1/2 hours in the pub!). You need to train him better as in - go out to your favourite jewellers a month before Christmas, pick something out that you love and then give it to him saying - wrap this I paid on your credit card.


He will probably be grateful to you that he doesn't have to go shopping!

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my rubbish husband went out for 4 hours on saturday and bought me a window cleaning kit :shock: which was presented in an old black sack. :shock: i am gutted


Go out and buy cube and some more hens to teach him a lesson.


Him Indoors is a hopeless present buyer (and is the first to admit it) so we devised a system where I buy on his behalf and wrap it for him. All I have to do is feign surprise when I open it. Works well!

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Wee Anna didn't get up till 9am :D , and is delighted with her Nintendo games, Pixel Chix, DVD's etc.


OH got me exactly what I wanted - an LED head light (for night-time chook counting!), Nigella Express book and a huge box of Thornton's. I also got a bottle of Champagne, champagne truffles and a Next voucher - very happy :D .

I got OH a drill (which he asked for :roll: ) and a 'leaper' keyring as a surprise, which he's delighted with.


I'll go and pick up my older 2 from their dad's later, then they'll get their pressies too.

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I'm very happy I got the personal DAB radio I wanted- it'll be great for when I'm out and about on the farm. Perfect. Also some handbag-size bottles of my fave perfume and some very expensive face cream. Best of all hubby and kids helped me with the horses this morning ( I'm doing cover for my liveries today and tomorrow so twice as much work as usual :roll: ).

I've left a selection of cold meats and breads on the kitchen counter if anyone wants brekkie so I can have an hour on-line before I get 'lunch' on (projected meal time 4pm).

Merry Xmas!!

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My lot slept in as well..........son was woken by a deluge of texts at around 09:30, daughter was well snuggled in bed and grumpy when he decided to wake her at 09:45, until she remembered what day it is :D . We've just finished present unwrapping, the goose is in the oven and the new (and noisy) X-box game is being tested out. Great excuse for me to escape the chaos for 5 mins and wish all my forum friends a brilliant day.


Daughter has dictated that we've all got to dress up as a celebrity for Christmas dinner, and no one is allowed to eat until their identity has been guessed. I'm going to be Nigella, curvy, plump-ish brunette in an apron I can do :wink: . Daughter plans to be Amy Winehouse with loads of eyeliner, flour under her nose :shock: , my stilletoes and apparently I've got to do the beehive hair in between making the gravy and serving the veg :wink: .

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As well as my suprise Cube,I got some Paul Smith 'Rose' perfume,which I adore, lots of Body Shop Cranberry things,Lush stuff, a gorgeous heart keyring from my daughter & some really lovely hot pink glittery gloves & scarf :P


All in all I did rather well 8):P


The daughters are upstairs playing respectivly with Nintendo DS & Acoustic Guitars, & The Hubby is happily watching his new Transformers DVD 8)

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Happy Christmas everyone!

My boys didn't wake up until 7.30! 8)

Hubby was pleased with his pressure washer but refused to clean out the cube today :lol:

I got loads of Thorntons chocs, Harry Potter DVD, T Rex and Queen CDs, a lovely table decoration from fairtrade - a brass and red enamel christmas tree that holds tea light candles and subscriptions to Practical Poultry and Grow Your Own! Oh, and a watch. 8)

The boys had various bits and pieces from Hawkins Bazaar and a fab playmobil farm. Oldest son has disappeared into his room with the guitar heroes game for the Wii.

We've been to church, had dinner and are all dozing/surfing/watching nemo in front of the fire.

The girls had a breakfast of sprout peelings and been freeranging all day.

Lovely day 8)

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A belated Happy Christmas every one :D


I got a gorgeous handmade glass vase. A wooden chicken, that is a whistle :shock: , really cute though and Brain Academy on the DS. I need to work on it though my current brain age is 63 :shock:


Off to get ready for Doctor Who 8)8)

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For Christmas - Santa brought me - Sassari crocs, an easel & big selection of canvasses & paints 8) , Some leather boots - that actually zip up on my calves which are thinner this year - woohoo!, some ballerina shoes / pumps, pj's, knickers, socks, a handbag in the shape of a car ( like Fizz's off Coronation Street), Whacky hairbrush, a gem hotfix wand for putting gems onto clothing etc, Paris Hilton Perfume set, cockerel alarm clock, Practical Poultry subscription, money & a lovely silver t bar necklace with dangly heart. So Santa must have thought I'd been a good girl!



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one of my presents was Pam Ayres' "Surgically Enhanced" a sort of autobiog interspersed with poems. Just reading about her idyllic early life in Berkshire where she says she didn't know much about the 'facts of life;


"...I wasn't very worldly. I was only interested in my bantams..."


That made me smile :)

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I was very lucky this year and received lots of beautiful gifts ...


- my OH bought me a donkey (which i can adopt for 1 year), perfume, 3 great books, the jungle book DVD (which i have been after for years!!)


My uncle and cousins bought me a lovely pair of PJs


My brother outdid himself this year and got me vouchers for a local beauty spa! (He got my mum a trampoline :shock: so i consider my gift very special!!!)


My parents bought me a gorgeous candle :D

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I got an iPod home - basically an ipod alarm clock. Now that I have daisy talking to me recorded as an mp3 I can get myself woken up by daisy clucking away!



Or I can wake up to Beth Orton, or Lou Rhodes, or .... anybody I like.



I don't think I'll wake up to Daisy a lot!

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