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worried - vet thinks dog has mammary tumour *UPDATE

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As you may or may not know, my dog is my world :oops: anyway, hubby has just got back from vets ( as I cant bear to go) and vet thinks she has a mammary tumour. He has taken biopsy and sent off to lab. he said he can only find one small lump (which we took her to the vets for in the 1st place).


Im SO worried, does anyone have any dealings with this in dogs? :?

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So sorry to hear about Bracken, we have two German Shepherd and I adore them. When we bought out first Shepherd the breeder suggested that we let her have a season before having her dressed as apparently this lessens the chances of mammary tumors - apparently, though I'm never too sure that these things are that simple to prevent. I was under the impression that they were quite easy to treat because they were generally found quite early on because of their location, lets hope this is the case. Good luck and best wishes,


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So sorry to hear about Bracken, we have two German Shepherd and I adore them. When we bought out first Shepherd the breeder suggested that we let her have a season before having her dressed as apparently this lessens the chances of mammary tumors - apparently, though I'm never too sure that these things are that simple to prevent. I was under the impression that they were quite easy to treat because they were generally found quite early on because of their location, lets hope this is the case. Good luck and best wishes,



Thanks Becka :) , we also had her sister Fern who died a couple years ago (I love GSD'S). We shouldhave had her spayed :roll: as you are right - this does decrease the chances.

Im praying this is just a benign lump as it hasnt grown at all - which is some relief. :?

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Vet said its a "mixed" tumour. :? Neither non cancerous or neither aggressive malignant tumour......so who knows! they are going to remove the lump on tuesday (monday is fully booked :roll: ) and she can come home the same day. Lump has to be sent away and they are doing blood tests. :(

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I hope she's OK Chelsea - my lurcher had a lump near one of her nipples - it turned out to be a fatty deposit (Lipoma)


Thanks folks. :wink:


Clare, thats where Bracken's lump is :? vet said lab not sure what it is. So hopefully it could be a fat lump. He said the worst thing is the anesthestic (sp!) she's a really fit and active dog and has never been to the vet (touch wood) before for anything other than routine visits/jabs, which is a good thing for an 8 year old GSD. :)


:pray::pray::pray: she's ok.



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Chelsea, im so sorry to hear about Bracken and i understand you when you say they are your world. My two trouble makers are my world too and i dont know what i would do without them (despite the trouble they cause) :roll::lol:


Im sure the op on Tuesday will go very well as Braken is fit and healthy so even though it will be a risk im sure she will be just fine.


Thinking of you and do make sure you let us know how she gets on.

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Im so :twisted::twisted::twisted:


dog was booked in for 9.20 am for operation. Hubby takes her down the vets early at 0845 (as vet said the earlier we bring her the better).


Obviously im very very anxious and I told hubby to ask them to ring me as soon as she comes around (so I can relax). Receptionist said it "will be at least early afternoon before we ring you as we have a big orthapaedic operation first"......


Now my poor dog is sat in a cage, in a strange place, probably getting stressed out because she doesnt know where she is....which isnt very good before an operation. And she could be sat there for hours before they even operate.


Why did they "book" her in at 9.20 and then make her wait? :twisted: I couldnt get her in yesterday because it was full. I think they should operate on her 1st and then do the orthapaedic one after. :roll:


Im beside myself. :cry:

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Oh dear Chelsea, sorry you are feeling so bad :( They usually do these ops in a certain order, starting with the one at highest risk of infection (ie a major orthopaedic op). Bracken's will be lower risk, so lower down the list. I'm sure she will be fine, and today will soon be over and she will be back with you again (((hugs)))

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