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Guest Poet

my clever husband...

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..has literally transformed the bottom end of our garden into a fabulous little allotment/veggie patch. I am amazed at what a good job he's done! He's also made a path to it as the garden was getting really muddy with him going up and down to get to the compost bin.


He's built the low fence out of pallet boards that he got free from work. He took them apart and built them into a fence and stained it. He's done more damage to the lawn in a few days than the chickens ever have done! Now the path is there, the lawn should hopefully recover :D


He's got broad beans growing up the canes with rhubarb next to them. In the raised bed he's got; onions, garlic, spring onions, spinach, turnips and strawbs. The old plastic bin is for spuds.


Around the rest of the garden we have; 3 apple trees, a plum tree and a pear tree. There are redcurrant plants growing up a trellis on our garage wall and there is a blackberry bush near the chicken run.


Along the back fence there are some blackcurrant and raspberry bushes.


We also have a small propogating unit/greenhouse thingy? where he grows some herbs and his seedlings. It's amazing what you do with a small garden.


Of course, in the Spring, there'll be a lot more going in there.


NB/ the aubiosed compost around the borders, thanks girls! ;)


Here's a before shot a cple of weeks ago I think this was....





and this is what it look like now...





















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we used to take it in turns to go to his/my parents each year for Christmas dinner. It's my parents turn next year but my mum is 75 and my dad is 80 and it's too much for my mum to host Christmas any more, so we said we'd have them here for Christmas lunch next year.


Ian is hopefully going to grow Christmas dinner for us, all we'll have to buy is a free range turkey.


Ian suggested we raise our own turkey but we don't have the space and I think they're better off with their friends until the time comes.


Sorry Egluntine, we have all the fresh eggs we need and he doesn't like tea ;)

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Excellent!! I really like the raised bed for some of the vegetables. The area where I had my Eglu and run is going to be my veg patch now. I tried growing Veg before but the blooming rabbits /mice and whatever else ate most of them :roll: I feel insprired to try again on a smaller scale since joining this forum.

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  chickenlass said:
Excellent!! I really like the raised bed for some of the vegetables...


not only did he have to haul the sleepers into position, he had to move 4 tons of top soil from the front of the house to the back, by himself, in a wheelbarrow. He did it in 2 days!


He did the alterations to the end of the garden in 3 days! The fence, the path etc. He's done it properly, with weed supressing membrane and then the stones. There was 1 ton of stones which he moved from the front path (where they drop stuff off) round to the back.


He's my hero! :D:oops:

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  Egluntine said:
I love the way your OH's feet are positioned at quarter to three, or is quarter past nine?


he's wetting himself laughing at that, he said he's no idea how or why he ended up standing like that! :lol:


My theory is he was walking towards the bird bath to pour water in it but the girls distracted him so he got confused as to which way he was going! :D

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I've never done a proper roast dinner so tonight I'm practising.


Got some roast potatoes going at the moment in the oven in duck fat, some carrots and parsnips in oilve oil with sea salt and pepper and a small organic silverside joint.


Got some sprouts waiting to go and then I'll do some gravy with the meat juices.


Didn't feel brave enough to do a yorkshire at the same time and the oven isn't big enough anyway.


Wish me luck! :shock:

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I'm shattered! :lol:


I only have a small oven so wasn't really sure what to do, as the meat needed 180 and the spuds needed 220.


I put the oven on about 200, the joint in the bottom of the oven, the carrots/parsnips in the middle and the spuds at the top and it seemed to work okay.


I made a honey and butter glaze for the carrots and parsnips and tossed them in it towards the end.


The gravy was absolutely gorgeous, I did it properly with the meat juices and some sprout water.


I didn't overdo the sprouts either which I was pleased about :D


DH said it was delicious. Can't wait til I can cook with our own produce.


When I was at work, I didn't have the time or the energy to cook, so this is all new to me but I'm doing okay ;)


I can't move now, I'm so full! :shock:

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Justine your garden looks fab. I love the hen proof tall fence It should do the trick. We put a small fence up to keep our Jack russell out of the vegis and its useless with the hens who just hop over it and cause devestation.

Your dinner sounds yummy.

Tonight we had pasta made with free range chicken :D

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hi Lynda, the girls do go up to the fence and have a look through (they're soooo nosey!) but they can't get through the gaps :D


We've got the dishes to do next, yikes! :shock:

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we've finished the dishes, Ian helped me ;) and we've had a toffee vodka which was really nice (another christmas pressie).


What a nice day it's been today :D


Thanks for all your lovely comments too.



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