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Clash City Rocker

Rain Anyone

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The weather forecast for the next few days is dire.


I have just come in from cleaning the eglu which involved a face full of wood shavings with unmentionable contents and chasing flying newspaper sheets in the drizzle, but I felt that it had to be done because there may be little chance in the next couple of days.


I always check the weather forecast for the weekend, as that is when I do the weekly 'big' eglu fettle. I choose the nicest weather day :roll: Heavy rain forecast for London all weekend :evil: I've never cleaned the eglu in the rain.

Another thing to look forward to :roll:



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Horrendous here. Raining stair rods...diagonally.


I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't snow.....there is a real sting in the rain.


I always check the weather forecast for the weekend, as that is when I do the weekly 'big' eglu fettle.


So I'm not the only fettler then?


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It's quite nice in Worcester at the moment, Sunny and Windy though the TV and Radio have both said that it's about to change later this afternoon!!!

Can't wait :roll:



I once carried out a "Risk Assessment" on a "Fettling Machine" (and slapped an Prohibition Notice on it). Not the best way of making friends and influencing people. :wink:

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My hens are sunbathing in the garden. :lol:

It is so warm here that my neighbour is gardening....in shorts! :shock:

Central heating turned off.


Lucky you :) It is disgusting here, that fine drizzly rain which I hate because it makes my hair go all 'crispy' :evil::evil: I have to fettle the chooks this afternoon and I'm finding all kinds of displacement activities to put off doing it :roll:


Weird this little island we live on, the weather varies so enormously from area to area :shock:



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My hens are sunbathing in the garden. :lol:


It is so warm here that my neighbour is gardening....in shorts! :shock:


Central heating turned off.


You could really go off some people, eh Christian?


Like you, we have windy and wet weather, alternating between drizzle and torrential rain :roll: 11 degrees though, so I suppose that we should be thankful for small mercies... going out to get some logs and coal in and attempt to clean out the bunnies.

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