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For Old Fogies Only ...

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Received from a friend - is she trying to tell me something? :?


1973 : Long hair

2007 : Longing for hair


1973 : Acid rock

2007 : Acid reflux


1973 : Moving to Cape Town because it's cool

2007 : Moving to Cape Town because it's warm


1973 : Trying to look like Liz Taylor

2007 : Trying NOT to look like Liz Taylor


1973 : Seeds and stems

2007 : Roughage


1973 : Going to a new, hip joint

2007 : Receiving a new hip joint


1973 : Rolling Stones

2007 : Kidney Stones


1973 : Passing the drivers' test

2007 : Passing the vision test


Just in case you weren't feeling too old today, this will certainly change things.


The people who are starting university in September were born in 1989.


They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up.


Their lifetime has always included AIDS.


Bottle caps have always been screw off and plastic.


The CD was introduced before they were born.


They have always had an answering machine.


They have always had satellite TV.


They cannot fathom not having a remote control.


Popcorn has always been cooked in the microwave.


They can't imagine what hard contact lenses are.


They do not care who shot J. R. and have no idea who J. R. even is.


They don't have a clue how to use a typewriter.


Do you feel old yet?



Pass this on to the other old fogies on your list.



Notice the larger type, that's for those of you who have trouble reading.


Save the earth. It's the only planet with chocolate

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Its scary!


Working in education you see so much of this stuff it frightens the life out of me, teaching technology really brings it home.


In 1983 I got my first computer - a Spetrum


The kids in my tutor group (year 11) can't imagine a house without a computer, they were born in 1992!!!

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In 1983 I got my first computer - a Spetrum



Now I'm jealous :mrgreen::mrgreen: I always wanted the Specrum but my mum and dad bought me the commodore (i think 32 not the 64 :?::?: ) My BF had the ZX Spectrum and the games were much better. Even my 4 year old mobile phone has better games than either of those old computers :wink:

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Ah, yes remember it well 1972 myself.


The youth of today have never lived.


Remember watching the scary girl on the test card to see if she moved prior to saturday morning telly starting?


You have never lived unless your Atari melted cos you were so damn good at pacman.


I remember saving all my paper round money to buy some plastic wheels for my Raleigh extra burner, cos if they were buckled you could put them in the freezer to straigten them out, only to find the didn't fit in the freezer.


I remember when this all fields :D:D:D



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:lol: I'm just reassured by the fact that I wasn't the only one to click on this unflattering topic title.


I only clicked on it so I could see what you old guys are reading :lol::liar: .


Me too. I thought I might have picked up some pearls of wisdom.... :wink:


My students this year were just being born as I was leaving school in '88. It does make you think doesn't it.

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I was born in 1973!!! I still feel old (and it's only monday)



1973..... that's not old!!!! and neither is 1972!!!!!! ( :evil: Stomps off in a huff) :wink:


What really made me feel old was when DH went to the USA once on business and went to visit an old friend of ours who now lives there... well that friend had a little boy whom I used to babysit when I was at end of secondary school and uni... and well that gorgeous blonde baby boy is now in his late teens !!!! Got silver hair instantly when I saw his picture!!!

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frightening, isn't it! My niece once saw her dad take an LP off their turntable, and turn it over to play side 2.


:shock: 'You can play BOTH sides of those?' she asked in amazement! :lol:


but now they get dad to transfer tracks from vinyl onto the ipod via our computor - dad is now reliving his youth & i have black sabbath full blast from the turntable speaker thingy & a 16 year old son discovering the joys of 1970s heavy metal upstairs with the ipod plugged into the enormous set up with base bin his dad made him. thank God we dont have neighbours attatched!!!

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My students this year were just being born as I was leaving school in '88. It does make you think doesn't it.


The last work night out I went to, before I left Tesco, i was dancing with some of the guys from the Produce department, and 'Club Tropicana' came on - the first single I ever bought myself - and just as i was about to tell them that fact, one of the younger guys leaned over and said 'This was No 1 the day I was born'......... :shock::shock::lol:

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I discovered double sided DVD's the other week :oops:


I had watched a film - well half of it and was going to take it back to the shop because it was only half there and a few days later discovered on the back of another DVD box something about the film being regular on side A and widescreen on side B so I tried turning over the other film and lo and behold there was the rest of the film :oops::oops::oops:


It made no mention on its box but the disc looks different to normal silver on both sides with no pictures etc to advertise the film :lol:


I grew up with records etc but it never occured to me it would be double sided how daft am I :oops::lol::oops::lol::oops::lol:

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I discovered double sided DVD's the other week :oops:


I had watched a film - well half of it and was going to take it back to the shop because it was only half there and a few days later discovered on the back of another DVD box something about the film being regular on side A and widescreen on side B so I tried turning over the other film and lo and behold there was the rest of the film :oops::oops::oops:


It made no mention on its box but the disc looks different to normal silver on both sides with no pictures etc to advertise the film :lol:


I grew up with records etc but it never occured to me it would be double sided how daft am I :oops::lol::oops::lol::oops::lol:


Well you aren't alone - I've never heardof them either!! :shock::lol:

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