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Calling all Kenwood chef owners!

I have lots of different kitchen gadgets ( Gadget girl as Claret calls me)

Thing is -have I everything that a KC would do or am I missing something?


I have


A Phillips hand mixer with beaters & dough hooks (wedding present)


A Marco Pierre White blender

A MPW hand blender

A MPW mini food processer


A bread maker


A big mixing bowl 8)


So to cut my craving for a KC ( I didn't have one before I came on this forum

:lol: ) can my gadgets compensate for a lack of KC in my household? ( Or do I need one anyway?)

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I have a circa 1970 kenwood chef that is still going strong that my mum gave me. I considered buying a new one untill I saw the price. They dont look any different to be honest to the one I have.

It has a dough hook, a K beater and a whisk.


Great for cakes and scones as you dont have to hold the hand mixer for ages. The sponge comes out really fluffy.


Used to use it for bread but I just use my bread make now I have one.

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You probably have everything that it would cover Jules, but personally, I would have the KC and none of the others, but then space is at a premium in my kitchen.


Mine is even older than Egluntine's and has had just one service and one replacement bowl in that time. I use the liquidiser almost every day to make a morning smoothie and use the mixer at least once a week. If the new food processor attachment had fitted my old model, then I wouldn't have bought a freestanding one (which has to live in the utility room). Until I got the bread machine, I used to make 2 loaves a week with the KC too - best workhorse ever!

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I've got a lovely old Kenwood which belonged to my Mum which I use occasionally but to be honest, I'm a creature of habit and bake cakes, biscuits and bread by hand. The Kenwood is fab for whisking up light as a feather egg whites and biscuit dough though so if the little voices are shouting "buy one", buy one :wink: .

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My Mother in Law gave me her KC. It must be nearly 40 years old but it is wonderful.

I have a liquidiser, the K beater and a whisk and a dough hook I would not be without it.

I did manage to buy a high speed chopper on Ebay but it puts the fear of God into me everytime I try to use it.

I am a great one for gadgets in the kitchen and have plenty of them, but if made to choose just one or two, it would have to be my Panasonic breadmaker and the KC

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The only things I can think of that my 2002 Kenwood does that your current gadgets don't are:




chopping small things like nuts


My Kenwood was a Christmas gift from hubby who thought since our firstborn was 8 months old it would be a great help in preparing baby food. Born romantic, my hubby :whistle:


Conversely, I'm thinking that now I'm baking more (all those eggs!) I need a dedicated proper mixer....



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I am on my second kenwood.

My first belonged to my mother in law and died after about 40 yrs service so Paul bought me a new one. (It is not used daily but I still couldn't live without it.)

My mums was a wedding present in 1970 and still going strong.

It is worth it for for the christmas cake and merangues alone.

I use the mincer attatchment quite a lot too.


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My stepmum bought me mine from a charity shop - £20. It has a lidless blender for the top (I put a saucer on it) and I bought a mincer on ebay. I've used it everyday since I got it - either the mixer or the blender or both! My hand whisk and Kenwood smoothie maker are now obsolete :lol: Its an old 901, no idea how old, but not very quiet :lol:

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Can I be anti-kenwood?


If you're buying a new one then NO!!!! As we had one and the gears went, we then got spares and fitted them, they died within four uses. So a definite no if you're buying a new one.


However the old ones were good and we had the previous one for ages.

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My stepmum bought me mine from a charity shop - £20. It has a lidless blender for the top (I put a saucer on it) and I bought a mincer on ebay. I've used it everyday since I got it - either the mixer or the blender or both! My hand whisk and Kenwood smoothie maker are now obsolete :lol: Its an old 901, no idea how old, but not very quiet :lol:


now if I could find one for £20!

Are all the older ones as good as each other? I'm thinking ebay....

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My stepmum bought me mine from a charity shop - £20. It has a lidless blender for the top (I put a saucer on it) and I bought a mincer on ebay. I've used it everyday since I got it - either the mixer or the blender or both! My hand whisk and Kenwood smoothie maker are now obsolete :lol: Its an old 901, no idea how old, but not very quiet :lol:


now if I could find one for £20!

Are all the older ones as good as each other? I'm thinking ebay....


The older ones should still have a lot of go in them Bron, the only thing is that some of the attachments are less easily available.

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You are bad people. Whos going to let me move in when my husband divorces me? I've resisted ALL other temptations on here but I'm really struggling with this one. I guess there will always be some on ebay and I should just look out for a real bargain or wait until I have enough money to buy it and some food to use it with.

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Can I be anti-kenwood?


If you're buying a new one then NO!!!! As we had one and the gears went, we then got spares and fitted them, they died within four uses. So a definite no if you're buying a new one.


However the old ones were good and we had the previous one for ages.


You know I suspect you are right. I would think that they probably dont make them like they used to. It would be good if you could find an old one to buy. I bet the inner workings are built much better than the new ones.


I have a kenwood breadmaker and I think that design wise its rubbish and I really dont think it will last long. The blasted bucket jumps out of its clips when its on full spin with a large loaf. :evil: It really winds me up as you are supossed to be able to set the timer to bake you a lovley loaf ready for you when you wake up. Great if you want to be woken up at 4am on a sunday by a concrete mixer in the kitchen when its jumped off its clips.

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I already did send one back and got a replacement. Since getting my new one, which is better than the old one I did a bit of reaserch on the net and found out that this is a common problem with this model. It ok if you bake up to the 750g loaf but if you go up to 1kg it seems to keep hopping off with the weight of the dough.

However it states that you can cook a 1kg loaf and has recipies for it in the book. :evil:

It sometimes hops off occassionaly on a 750g loaf. You just cant tell so I have no confidence to set it while Im in bed just in case.

I think how ever many times I take it back the result will be the same. Its just badly designed.

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I bought a Kenwood Chef Major last year. I use it all the time and it's wonderful. You definitely need one. They have pasta extrusion attachments, juicer attachments, a food processor that sits on top, potato peelers, ice cream makers, pasta rollers, sausage making tools ... cool eh!!!


The list of gadgets for your gadget is endless. What a gadget.

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Ooh - How appropriate you posted this :D


We're looking for a KC at the moment, Joe's brother has a lovely old one and we used it when there a few weekends ago - and Joe wants to buy one :shock:


So currently have our eye on a few on Ebay - might have to check out a few charity shops too then :whistle:


I admit to quite liking them and want one too, and I think it will ultimately be me that pays for it tbh :roll:




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I love my Chef, it's the best present I ever asked for :oops:


Yummy pasta, bread, cakes.


Lynda said

The blasted bucket jumps out of its clips when its on full spin with a large loaf.


My old breadmaker used to do that, I then changed it for one that locked in by screwing down into the base (hope this makes sense) and that worked much better. I eventually gave it away when I bought my Chef.


Bread made in a Chef never has a hole in the bottom!

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