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Naughty Delia!

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Wow, I am offline for a while and come back to pages of posts :D I am delighetd, though at the depth of feeling that Delia's commenst have raised.


When I was newly graduated and earning a pittance in my first job, I became vegetarian for a while simply because I couldn't afford meat and good-quality fresh fruit and veg, and I didn't want to give up the latter. If you're on a budget, you have to set priorities - but nowadays people are encouraged to think that if it's in the shops, they "deserve" to have it. Basically we've forgotten how to be poor...


I couldn't agree more Eyren - we really need to stop being so 'consumerist' and grabby and get back to the basics - thrifty as Charotte Chicken and I like to say.


As Sarah said, I think she's nowe regretting yet another of her 'let's be 'aving yer' moments :roll: I just hope that it hasn't undone all the good brought about by Hugh and jamie's programmes.

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Wow, I am offline for a while and come back to pages of posts :D I am delighetd, though at the depth of feeling that Delia's commenst have raised.


When I was newly graduated and earning a pittance in my first job, I became vegetarian for a while simply because I couldn't afford meat and good-quality fresh fruit and veg, and I didn't want to give up the latter. If you're on a budget, you have to set priorities - but nowadays people are encouraged to think that if it's in the shops, they "deserve" to have it. Basically we've forgotten how to be poor...


I couldn't agree more Eyren - we really need to stop being so 'consumerist' and grabby and get back to the basics - thrifty as Charotte Chicken and I like to say.


As Sarah said, I think she's nowe regretting yet another of her 'let's be 'aving yer' moments :roll: I just hope that it hasn't undone all the good brought about by Hugh and jamie's programmes.



I agree with the thrifty cooking quote. When I qualified as a teacher, I basically spent every bean I owned on housing/ tax etc and ate incredibly cheaply. I prided myself on how cheaply I could cook a tasty meal for 2 people. It is much much cheaper to cook for yourself than to buy ready rubbish. I think that if Delia has been quoted correctly, it is quite appalling (although I realise the Daily Mail have sometimes been known to exaggerate the truth rather! :wink: )

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I heard most of the original interview on radio 4. I don't think she has been actually misquoted in the mail, but tehy have got rather a positive spin on what she was saying. Her main line on the issue s was 'I'm just a cook, don't ask little me to get involved in politics - I'm too stupid to make a decision on whether organic/food miles/free range is best" - which I think was really just posturing to make her look like an 'average' home cook. I wasn't impressed, especially as I do own lots of her books (and don't really want to burn them) - suggest composting instead? She did say quite clearly that she recommends free range chicken in her books, but that she couldn't dictate to people on a budget what to buy. And frozen mash sounds repulsive!

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We were in fact ignorant. It is not true that your generation and the next are the ones who are questioning how food is produced. Me and my 'pensioner' friends were campaigning back in the late 60's about the horrors of intensive farming, but food issues were not fashionable back then :evil: and we were dismissed as 'brown rice eating, sandal wearing, hippies' :evil: The whole 'green' movement has been around for a very long time, it is just that it has only become fashionable since people realised that we have, through our selfish, ignorant ways actually managed to start to destroy our beautiful planet :( The politicians all added green issues to their agenda, celebrities jumped on the bandwagon :roll: and, trust me I'm glad they did, but I do tend to say under my breath "haven't I been banging on about this for 40 years, thank goodness 'they' are at last taking notice" albeit too late for a lot of species :cry:




Sorry, Tessa, it was a crude generalisation - I guess I know too many of my parents' generation who are at the opposite end of the political spectrum - are just the kind of people that dismissed you as a hippy back in the sixties - and basically don't seem to care about the environment because they'll be dead before the excrement really hits the fan :roll:


(I bought a copy of "Diet for a Small Planet" back in the early eighties, so I'm hardly jumping on the bandwagon :) )

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I have posted about her on Cinnamon's thread in All Things Nice. To sum up I think she is either ignorant or doing it as a publicity/popularity drive - or both!! :evil::evil::evil:


I've replied there too....if Delia's concerned about the price of food, best she get back to basics rather than encourage people to fork out for more expensive frozen food to act as a cheat. The woman has lost her marbles!


I've replied in there as well............ and I'm still almost speechless :evil:

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I feel that Delia has sold out, she has in the past recommended good quality meat and ethical suppliers, but it obviously depends on what she is trying to sell st that time :x


If it wasn't for Delia i would never have discoverd the joy of KellyBronze turkey. What has happened :? and where is her integrity :(


An email will be coming from me to Delia online.

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I have posted about her on Cinnamon's thread in All Things Nice. To sum up I think she is either ignorant or doing it as a publicity/popularity drive - or both!! :evil::evil::evil:


I've replied there too....if Delia's concerned about the price of food, best she get back to basics rather than encourage people to fork out for more expensive frozen food to act as a cheat. The woman has lost her marbles!


I've replied in there as well............ and I'm still almost speechless :evil:

Reading myself back there - I hope no-one thought I was talking about Cinnamon. :shock: I did of course mean to speak about Delia.

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