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dogs and chickens

Someone got a bargain - I hope!

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I was having a chat with a friend of mind yesterday, and told her we were getting some chickens and a Omlet cube to house them in etc......


Anyway she said 'we took our Omlet Eglu to the DUMP yesterday'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock::shock: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:o:o:o:o !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As you can imagine I got in the car and went to the dump - Not there, so I hope someone has use of it and it has not gone to landfill!!!!!!!!


I would have quite happily have paid her for it, or she could have sold it to someone else - How stupid to dump it :evil:


She said no one would have wanted it as it was dirty :roll: Well a bit of dirt is easy to clean, and don't they all get dirty anyway :roll:


I feel really quite anoyed someone would take a 2 year old eglu to the dump!


Also I feel anoyed at myself for not having mentioned to her about our chickens before :roll: !!! Oh well you win some and you loose some!


More money then sense clearly!!!!!

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That's awful, but you're right about a throw away society - OH has just wired in my new Belling double oven - he's a kitchen fitter and the company he works for put new door on old cupboards. The last people who's kitchen he revamped were THROWING ON THE SKIP a perfectly good Belling double oven :shock: Not only is it better than mine which was only a 3/4 sized oven it's gleaming - they can't ever have cooked on it. My old one has gone on freecycle but I've only had one timewaster so far.


Apart from the expense, do people not think they could get some of their money back? Or that one mans rubbish is another mans treasure?


Mrs Bertie

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I can't understand people who allow their eglu to get really dirty - they're so easy to clean (that's the whole point!). I've seen pics of people selling their filthy eglu's on ebay - why would you not clean it up 1st? :?


I can never get mine completly clean (certainly not the roosting bars) but also I find that some of the plastic is a bit porus so I cant even scrub the dirt out particularly the ladder.


But I wouls still not throw it out if I no longer wanted it, what a terrible waste!

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A Sonic Scrubber or the power washer gets everything absolutely sparking for me.


Could you take the ladder off and give it a soak, or even put it in the dishwasher?


It smartens up the Grubs and Glugs beautifully!


I must confess that I couldn't bring myself to put them in it for a long time. :lol:

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Now to find a dishwasher big enough for the cube shell....!


I can't get the main part of the cube clean, the orange is stained and dirty although it is under a tree so maybe tree sap has played a part.

It's shocking isn't it, how many people STILL throw big stuff on a skip or take it down the dump for landfill without a passing thought about how long it's going to be in the ground, if it will ever degrade, or wether they could dispose of it another way. Never mind if it was mucky or not, if nothing else they could have got a couple of hundred quid back on it. Must have money to burn and no conscience :?


Mrs Bertie

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Now to find a dishwasher big enough for the cube shell....!


I can't get the main part of the cube clean, the orange is stained and dirty although it is under a tree so maybe tree sap has played a part.

It's shocking isn't it, how many people STILL throw big stuff on a skip or take it down the dump for landfill without a passing thought about how long it's going to be in the ground, if it will ever degrade, or wether they could dispose of it another way. Never mind if it was mucky or not, if nothing else they could have got a couple of hundred quid back on it. Must have money to burn and no conscience :?


Mrs Bertie


Glad its not just me. The Grey parts of the plastic clean up fine, but the orange stuff doesnt. If I look closely I can see little tiny holes like pores in the plastic and its dirty in their. cause its a rough coating as oposed to the grey which is smooth. I use hot soapy water and a scourer and it does get it all off. even worse now its in the walk in run as they stand on the roof and make that messy too.

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