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Finally some photo's

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No that I've figured out how to use photobucket I thought I'd post a few piccies of the girls. George is missing a few of her longest tail feathers. Not sure whether there was a bit of biffo going on in the Eglu or she was picking them out herself but it seems to have stopped :?





Can you see the glint in Taupo's eye?



No? well perhaps not.

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Glad you liked them. :D The cat tried to have a go when the chooks first arrived but gave up pretty quickly. At 13lbs of cat fur he's not the quickest cat on the block and he's a senior citizen to boot. Much more common sense. The chickens are Australorps and have a lovely green shhen to their feathers.

The grass is so long and green because our lawn gets so boggy in winter we just let it grow til the Spring. The climate here in the San Francisco bay area is almost perfect. Mild winters, generally in drought (although this years rains took care of that) and completely dry summers. From late May to early December no rain :!::!::!:


(of course the gardener side of me laments this)

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I have a ragdoll seal bi-colour called Hermione (Avatar). We also have three other moggies but I think I will always have a ragdoll, when I'm ill or very tired and go to bed Hermione jumps up on the bed with me to keep me company so I'm never alone :D

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Chillicat - I saw a picture of a Birman for the first time just the other day and was surprised at how similar the two breeds are to look at. Very pretty.


Luthien - I know what you mean. While Taupo doesn't like to be picked up at all, he follows me around the house and snuggles up all day and all night. The only downside to a ragdoll is the constant shedding. Not a cat to wear black around :!:

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Yes the hair gets everywhere...my next door neighbour has a cushion someone made or got her for her bday that says everything tastes better with cat hair in it...EWWWW :lol:

Hermione is meant to be banned from the sitting room (mums orders) but shes always there rubbing her hair on the carpet (doesn't matter how many times you brush her the carpet works better)


BWT Lovely chickens :wink::D . I love the way they are on that bench like they are in a park meeting up for a chat :lol:

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