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Definately security regarding foxes. I had a fox in the garden the other day whilst the chickens were out :shock: Luckily i saw it and chased it away, within two days OH had put better fencing at the bottom of the garden, the only vulnerable spot left.


The money we have raised form selling eggs is going to pay for weldmesh for the run, we couldn't afford it when we first built it.

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Trying to intercept eggs from my two GNR GNR, ardent egg munchers-even with a roll away nest box there's a peck mark in the top of the egg :twisted::twisted:


Have lost other animals, incl. ones to Mr F :evil: but that must be awful with girlies;


not just inconvenient like buying 1 doz free range eggs! :roll:

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I would vote foxes as well.


Everything else (for example going through a run door the size of my head, which I have to do every night at the moment) is a minor inconvenience.


Natural death of the hens is very sad, but you know it will happen and there is nothing you can do about it.

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Having to make plans for holidays and nights away. Can't just up sticks and go (apart from 1 night away in summer when they can manage fine!)


I remind dh of this whenever he suggests getting a dog (the children already point out to anyone who listens that they and daddy have a chicken each but mummy just gets to do all the work :roll: )


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LICE :evil: . My girls seem to go from infestation to infestation at the moment. I just get rid of the bugs and they are clear for a month or two then they start dustbathing like mad things and lo and behold - stowaways! Aaargh.


I hate to have a poorly hen too. They go straight to the vet if they look under the weather as I'd rather pay for a vet's check up than sit worrying about them and possibly delay treatment.


Apart from that, they're fabulous :lol: .

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Hi, Just wondering what is the hardest thing you have found about keping chickens so far??


Knowing the right moment to intervene to curb Hilda pulling feathers out of Evadne. Part of me wanted to look away and hope that the situation would stabilise, before Evadne became badly hurt, but I realised from the experiences of others recounted on this forum that the balance of power might not resolve itself peaceably.


Removing Hilda at night to sleep in the second eglu, giving Evadne about 10 hours of peace in the first eglu and run, does seem to have given Evadne new heart and cooled Hilda's aggression. And so far I have not needed bumper bits.

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I haven't found many things hard at the moment, relatively new to this only had them a few months. But I will have my trials I guess. :?


Not buying another chicken or two came a tad hard though, but not hard in the same sense that illnesses/deaths etc do. Whenever anyone mentions getting a bluebelle my heart jumps. :roll:

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Am I being thick I dont see a Poll?

No, you are not thick :D . It's not an offical poll but a general one me thinks.


So far, apart from a fox attack :shock: (Annie was taken by a fox but miraculously returned home unharmed 2 hours later :D ) I have not had any problems or difficulties. I wish I hadn't said that because that guarantees I'm about to :roll:

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Worrying about Mr Fox! If it wasn't for him and his mate (is she entirely innocent?), my hens might be as happy as Larry.


On the other hand, if they free ranged in my small garden in every waking hour, they might be trying to go over the fence.


It is very distressing to keep hens in the run when they would be so much happier running round the garden, denuded as it is since they destroyed the weeds.


It's Mr Fox's agenda that worries me the most. (That said, I do spend a lot more time in my garden than I ever did before!)

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Having not suffered a fox problem touch wood mine is realising they can be very cruel to each other. Finding Betty PP with her back pecked and bloody was a terrible shock. Tried using anti peck spray but in the end had to use bumper bits. Betty lost hers and as she was the bullied one we left it, only to find Mavis PP with a pecked back which could have only been Betty so she has one now.

Saying that they have been an endless source of amusement amd life was made easier when we realised they would do anything for sweetcorn.

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Hiya sparkysmum!


We have an overactice collie pup who loves the garden but chases choocks and bunnies when all out at once. We have invested in a 'dog corkscrew' for the him. You screw it in the ground and leash them to it. That way he can be out on the lawn and chooks and bunnies dont get chased. Monty does sulk a bit but he prefers to be out there watching them than being inside!


Hope that helps!

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