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Needing ideas-kitchen storage UPDATED & THANKS

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Hi all,


I'm browsing the web and looking for a bit of inspiration, and thought I'd ask you lot for your ideas...

I am replacing our kitchen spice cupboard (I know, doesn't sound like much, but it's a rather large spice collection, see pic below)... behind the door on which the cupboard is placed is a bathroom which is currently being re-done, and we have decided to close up that door permanently and wall it up, so instead of a white door, we'll have a wall painted in red like the rest of the kitchen... I thought it'd be a good opportunity to replace the spice rack, which was there when we bought the house, for a something a little prettier (which shouldn't be too hard)...

I can't so far find anything that would be similar in size, and be good to store all my jars, potions, powders and all that kind of wizardry of cooking...


The kitchen itself and adjacent dining area are painted in russian red (dark red), the kitchen units are old, wooden, painted in an off-white colour (will probably replace/refurbish them some day, but not just yet)... I am fairly openminded in my tastes, with a penchant for the eastern and the exotic (which might explain the size of the spice rack :P)... has anyone seen anything anywhere that would seem suitable, or has any suggestions as to what I could replace that bland, boring cabinet with?


Thinking both on the lines of buying something new, or doing something to revamp the old one, in the latter case would love some visual inspiration...


Been googling various things for a while but my brain and inspiration have stalled....


Thanks in advance for any inspiring tips and ideas :D



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Like it AnnieP, specially the plate rack which is something I'm currently keeping my eye open for - they're not cheap you know! But Ziggy, as it's so fit for the job could you not paint it, then like someone else said (sorry, goldfish moment) add a bit of trim, it would be cheaper and orginal. A lovely Midnight blue, with fuschia pink and a bit of jewel orange with maybe some sequins or tassles - my OH despairs of me, and sadly (but not surprisingly) won't let me do the decorating!! :lol:


Mrs B

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Like it AnnieP, specially the plate rack which is something I'm currently keeping my eye open for - they're not cheap you know!

Ours was Mrs B: OH made it with dowel and a drill... I insisted the dowel goes at the back of the plate rack, not the front, so you can get them easily. He has made the entire kitchen, cupboards and everything. Still not finished 4 years later, but 'tis fab! 8)

I'd just paint it up Ziggy... it looks lovely!

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I love the thought of those edge trims... that's exactly the kind of inspiration I was looking for, but didn't know what they were called... 'edge trims' didn't cross my mind when looking around on the internet...


It'd be lovely painted into a dark colour to match the tone of the walls, and with a contrasting trim...


Hmmmm.... nice, nice...


Thanks everyone :D

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Distress-paint in a bright colour with a complementary or darker colour on top... orange with red on top, or brigh red with a pinkish, lime greens, turquoise, deep purples, royal blue...


...or simply one colour with small decorations in gold.


I'm visualising Indian inspiration, Rajhastani fabrics and furniture...


Alternatively you can go the Mexican way with bright colours and little flowery patterns.


I'm a bit of a hippy chick so all things Indian and with mysterious colour combinations do it for me...


The good thing with experimenting with pigments and paint is that if you don't like the results you can always re-paint it!


Good luck and have fun!


Ana x

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Something I've done Ziggy is to buy nice jars for my spices and write on the top of the jars what they are. That way there are no labels showing, just the beauty of the herbs and spices themselves. I got mine from Habitat.

I'd keep the cabinet, jazz it up and do something like that to make it all seem new and fresh.



Hey, I was just looking at some jars on the internet, thinking of doing just that... thought that if I jazz up the cabinet, I really should use nice jars in it... :) ... thank you, I'll check habitat, didn't think of it


I can't wait to do it all now... but can't cause there's a busy couple of weeks ahead, so it has to wait... oh well, will give me time to think of the colours to use and browse for jars...

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I finally got round to doing this!!! Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their ideas and suggestions, especially Charlottechicken, as I got the wood trim from Jali (checked B&Q and homebase but wasn't too inspired)...


I am very happy with the result... decided to go for reds as it now blends in the kitchen rather than appears too 'fancy', and the colours of the wall and cabinet really bring out the colour of the spices...


I got a good deal on the little jars, got 65 of them for £26, so I have quite a few spares to use elsewhere, replace breakages and fill the gaps in the spice cupboard, they look quite similar to little Chickadee, and I did the same, writing on top what's in the jar...


I quite like the result.... :) ... again thanks everyone, it was nice to be convinced to revamp the old cabinet, instead of replacing it...





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thanks so much everyone :D


It's been works here, relatively speaking, and it's now wonderful with a stunning shower room and a beautifully repainted kitchen and my own re-designed spice cabinet.... but i like to do things myself. whereas OH likes to throw money at things while he's away (he works abroad, but still expects endless trips from me to diy shops choosing paints... then his verdict is 'it's ok'), so this spice cabitnet, considering how I cook, is now my pride and joy...

The cat and mint tea glasses were my own 'splash' buys... wanted an elephant really, considering how much indian spices i have on there, but they were big and expensive, so decided to give our five cats a special tribute... after all, egyptians held cats in a scared way...

Jali is a great shopping place by the way...

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