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Mrs Frugal


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Sorry to come across as a real kiljoy again but please could we ask forum members not to post using text speak as it's really hard to work out what's been said half the time. It doesn't take much longer to write what you're wanting to say in proper English and means that your post is likely to actually be read and not just overlooked as no one can be bothered to try and decipher it :wink: .


It's also extremely bad netiquette to write messages using entirely capital letters as this is the equivalent of shouting :shock: .


It really doesn't take any time at all to write "you" instead of "u", "great" and not "grt" or worse "gr8" or to check that your caps lock button is switched off and you'll make the majority of forum members much happier if you do as they'll be reading your posts instead of ignoring them.


Thanks everyone :D .

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Oh same here! I'm forever getting cross about things like that. No wonder children have trouble spelling these day!


I hope my ten year old wont read that line Kate, or that will for ever now be her excuse for her poor spelling ability... :)


I am all or nothing when I text... with my friend I text in full text speak, and we understand each other just fine, whereas with everyone else I text in full correct sentences... takes for ever to type though, on a mobile phone!!

On forums, I tend to find it quicker to type in normal speech cause for text speak I have to think!! Though I probably let some text speech sneak in occasionally by accident when rushing, especially if I've just sms'ed my friend... The thing I do that irritates me is that I tend to type 'I' as 'i' now in emails, which I never did before... I don't know why I do it, it's no harder typing I than it is to type i, yet I do it a lot... sigh...

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I agree with all of you. I'm glad I'm not the only one! I often feel like carrying a bottle of Tippex and a fat black felt-tip pen and become an apostrophe activist! :twisted: As for the Ks and Us, that's another pet hate of mine...


And what do you think of the people who speak with an upward tone at the end of their sentences? it makes me think they're asking my opinion on something rather than giving me information.


The other one is the Californianism 'so' - as in 'you're soooooo not cool', or my answer: 'you are so not watching any more of those TV series...!' or should I write: 'U R sooooo...' :wall::twisted:


...am I showing my age here...? :oops:

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