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Down in the dumps

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It just happened to me too! But I went out and got another job with more money and now there panicking that they have lost all the experienced management team (I had 17 yrs in). My heart bleeds for them.


I won't be buying anything else from a certain high street retailer who think they are too posh to be a supermarket after being treated like this!!!

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Stay positive!


It is not your fault.


I have been made redundant twice from the only two permanent positions I have ever held. And I have never looked back.


I have been paid off from countless contract positions, but I am yet to experience starting a new job for less cash than the previous one.


It is natural to feel down when someone pulls the rug from under you but with chickens to cheer you up, you will be back, in a new better job with more dosh before you can say 'should that be sweetcorn or raisans?'


Good luck :D:D





What a lovely post Kev, and you're dead right too. Good luck Lisa. Things have a funny way of working themselves out in the end, and you have some many positives in your life to fall back on, especially being able to eat éclairs till they come out of your ears! You lucky devil :wink:

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Hello...it's me! :lol::lol:


What do you all think of the new avatar? I thinks its BRILLIANT!! Kev you are so clever you little star. Tigger really made me smile when I saw him. I've always liked Tigger as he's a touch mad - like me! Thank you so much! And I see that I am now even a 'Chicken Eggspert' too! Even though I've got no hens yet, now there's an oxymoron!


Thank you all so much for your cheering messages last night. Today has been very hard at work, which I kinda expected. As I drove in I'd got tears rolling down my eyes and the same driving home again, I guess its gonna be abit like that for a while.


Anyway, have been to the docs and he's told me to eat what I like when I like, but not rubbish. Puddings are fine - though not in moderation!! Soon have this skeletal form back in shape. And tis now only 1 week before the girls arrive! Going to fetch food etc tommorrow. Can't wait.


Thanks again


Lisa :D:D

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Hello...it's me! :lol::lol:


What do you all think of the new avatar? I thinks its BRILLIANT!! Kev you are so clever you little star. Tigger really made me smile when I saw him. I've always liked Tigger as he's a touch mad - like me! Thank you so much! And I see that I am now even a 'Chicken Eggspert' too! Even though I've got no hens yet, now there's an oxymoron!


Thank you all so much for your cheering messages last night. Today has been very hard at work, which I kinda expected. As I drove in I'd got tears rolling down my eyes and the same driving home again, I guess its gonna be abit like that for a while.


Anyway, have been to the docs and he's told me to eat what I like when I like, but not rubbish. Puddings are fine - though not in moderation!! Soon have this skeletal form back in shape. And tis now only 1 week before the girls arrive! Going to fetch food etc tommorrow. Can't wait.


Thanks again


Lisa :D:D



I am so pleased you like your Tigger, It took a while to get him animated and I was trying him out as my avatar to make sure he looked right, must have been a bit confusing late last night!! :D:D



Take care love,



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Fingers crossed for you Lisa.


I have just gone through the same thing, but luckily, after two months of not knowing, our department has been told that we are all safe, for at least six months. They will review again then. :roll:


Still it's another six months of being able to pay the mortgage.


I hope your job will be safe too.

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Compared with a few friends and family that are underweight, I find I am regularly eating bigger portions that them, eating more calories and I am eating faster, enjoying the things I am eating and finishing more of the food on the plate.


I've been in a temporary job for 7 months since my PhD whilst searching for permament work, so I understand how unsettling/miserable it can be.

Hope it all works out soon.

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Hi All


Thanks once again for all your support! I really do appreciate it. :D:D


I'm feeling ok at the mo (Kev, that avatar just keeps on making me smile! see... :D:D:D:D:D ) It's definetly a rollercoaster of emotion, feeling up and then down, I'm just trying to let things come and accept that it's just how things are the moment.


On the brighter side...


...we've been out and bought bedding and another drinker for the girls. I am now SO excited about their arrival. We're off tomorrow to buy pellets and mixed. I've pinned up the advice that you've all given me about treats (another thread that I started in 'Chickens') in the kitchen. I also rang Merrydale to check that they've got a good variety of breeds for us to choose from and also to see what they're being fed so we are consistent and don't upset their tums. I've also organised a friend of mine to lend me his cat box so that the girls will be comfy on their journey.


So its just move the eglu to its final positon, make sure its clean, then on friday night get it ready for its new inhabitants. I've made a mental note to take my camera with us when we go to fetch them so that I can keep a photographic record.


Ooooh, sorry this post is so long, but am so EXCITED!!


Lisa :D:D

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I spoke to someone today who supplies chicken food and who didn't think much of keeping chooks on a small scale and least of all without a rooster. Needless to say he got a very polite piece of my mind.


By the way, Kev, what is Tigger saying on my avatar? My hubbie-to-be has come up with loads of suggestions, none of which are suitable for this forum! Maybe I should start a new thread for ideas?


Lisa :wink:

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I spoke to someone today who supplies chicken food and who didn't think much of keeping chooks on a small scale and least of all without a rooster. Needless to say he got a very polite piece of my mind.


By the way, Kev, what is Tigger saying on my avatar? My hubbie-to-be has come up with loads of suggestions, none of which are suitable for this forum! Maybe I should start a new thread for ideas?


Lisa :wink:


:lol: He's saying to your chicken feed supplier man "What? You really have no idea what you are on about have you?" :wink:

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Why would they need a rooster? :?


I've lived without one for years (metaphorically speaking) and find I get on just fine! :wink: No arguments, I always have full use of the remote control, and I can read in bed as late as I like. I'm sure our chickens feel much the same!

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