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Mine's here now! - Pics added (hopefully)!

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Well - my cube came on schedule this morning, was built and three chickens duly installed! We've all been chicken watching since then!! :lol:


My dog was very interested by the van - he soon worked out there were chickens on board and every time I let him out, he stood by it like a pointer!! Since the chickens were put into the run, he's been down there at every opportunity watching them. The chucks totally ignore him apart from when they gave him a quick peck at his nose when he sniffed through the mesh :shock: (he kept his distance after that!)


The chucks have really settled in well - they've had a dust bath, sussed out the run, eaten loads, drunk lots of water and look bright eyetd and bushy tailed and perfectly at home! They even ate out of my hand this afternoon.


The only thing is that the do have mucky bums - not ill mucky, more as if they've sat in chicken poo when they were in the small travel cage on the way up and when they were in the van waiting for the cube to be built. I was going to see if they could clean themselves up (as they've been preening and bathing) - or should I try to give them a helping hand with damp kitchen roll?


Apart from that - everything has gone really well - I'm really chuffed!



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Thanks everyone! I had a list of chicken names that I liked - but once they were here, I thought I would wait to see what their personalities were like - so for the minute they are Black One (the pepperpot), Ginger/Black (gingernut) and Ginger/White (other gingernut!!)


Thanks for the tip about the mucky bums ANH - that will be fun!! They do seem a bit cleaner this morning though.


I put a torch in for them last night, then went out about 10 (dusk) to see what was happening... they were still all pecking around the run! When I went out 20 minutes later intending to remove the torch and leave them to sort themselves out, the 2 gingernuts were in the nest box and looked most surprised when I opened the door to reach inside!! The pepperpot was still up and about. When I went out this morning (it was early but light), 2 were still inside and the third roosting on the steps!! So they seem to know what to do!


Got to think about the names now!



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I've spent some time in the chicken run today!! (Boy - that small door would be no good at all with a bad back - it's quite a shimmy isn't it?!). We're still working out the routines - so may well copy some of the door adaptations.


My DH was looking at the steps and thought they looked a bit tricky for them (bearing in mind that hens were all my idea and he is just going along with it! :wink: ) - so he cut some wood to size which I cable tied to the back of the steps when I was in the run! Just out of interest, why do the steps end about 8 inches above the ground?


I've also picked each of the girls up - and cleaned the mucky bum of the youngest looking one (also the most inquisitive) - she was remarkably calm bearing in mind she was bottom upwards, having a strange woman bathe her behind!! (She didn't run away from me either, so it must have been OK!). I'm quite pleased with myself!!


We've not decided on names yet - apart from the Pepperpot is going to be Nigella! I thought I had the names sorted, but now I'm not sure (I wanted a hen called Bunty, but it doesn't really suit them!). Maybe the others (gingernuts) should be Delia and Fanny?! (OK maybe not!)


Great timewasters aren't they?



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Great pictures :D . What a lovely dog!


I know - he's gorgeous isn't he? He's so laid back - he was lying beside me earlier when I had the run door open - the chucks were trying to get out, and were only about 12inches from his head, but all he did was just look at them! I actually think he's more interested in their food than them! :D


(Aren't chickens difficult to photograph!)



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