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mooncup . no more tampons and pads!

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I have had a problem with my Mooncup today....the first time I have tried it.


Does anyone else find that it pops open before you can get it in enough?

I have cut the stalk off completely,but just cannot get it in enough before it all springs open :roll:


Anyone else ?????

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I'm in a "bumping things up" mood today... sorry chaps!

Just wondering how everyone is getting along, six months down the line?

I am a complete convert. I think the Mooncup is absolutely brilliant!


I was trying to work out how I am doing environmentally, and the Mooncup has now paid for itself and I reckon there are at least 300 less sanitary products rotting in our environment! :D

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A few years ago, I considered buying a mooncup, but due to my age, didn't know if it would "pay for itself" so bought some Lunapads. Both of these products can be bought from www.twinkleontheweb.co.uk


I find the pads useful for the beginning and end of the period as they don't make me sore like disposables can. Also, there is less pain and discomfort around the first day. I'm sure that must be all in the mind. LOL! The downside is the washing, hence disposable pads for the worst days.


I'm back to wondering if I ought to try the Mooncup or buy some more liners for my Lunapads. Being made of silicone, I would hope that I wouldn't suffer any allergic reaction.

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The Lunapads that I bought a few years ago have been a good buy.


I've had to decide whether to buy more Lunapads or try the Mooncup. Having read what people said in this forum about the Mooncup and spoken with a friend, I'm now waiting for the delivery. I was also able to speak with one of the ladies from Twinkle-Twinkle and they were also very helpful.



Incidentally, if anyone is buying Lunapads, there are two types. I would be inclined to go for the ones that will take an extra liner pad as there is then a choice of what thickness you wish to use.

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I too have been thinking of buying one but I still have niggling doubts. Can anyone put my mind at rest.


Insertion of tampons with the cardboard around was never a problem as once inserted they stayed put, but I didn't like using lillets as they used to slip down and be very uncomfortable. So how would I get on with this if you have to fold the thing up and hold it down until inserterd properly (so that's two/three fingers plus this object inside you) then push it up (that's using another finger). All sounds rather fiddly and uncomfortable to me.


Do you have to keep inserting and then taking it out again whilst you snip off the stem until you get the right size? What if you snip off too much? How would you get it out then?


Sorry to be so graphic but I'm having palpitations just thinking about it!

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When you fold it, it makes its own way in, if you see what I mean. You just need a gentle shove with 1 finger to get it right in.


When its in properly you can't feel it at all, and have to remind yourself its there.



If you cut too much of the stalk off, you won't lose it forever, just bear down and you will be able to grab the bottom of it, which is a little firmer than the rest.


You'll be fine, just view your first couple of times with it as "trial periods" :oops:


Sorry ..couldn't resist the pun!!

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I LOVE my mooncup!


To insert it the first time, you will indeed need to trim the stalk ( I expect) but you must just remember to leave at least one ridge to grapple with when you want to remove it. Sometimes I have to give mine another nudge, to get it in to sit right, or the trimmed stalk digs in me and itches.


I like the way it's good for the tailing off days, as I can forget it's there, unlike a towel or tampon.


And it doesn't smell.

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  Egluntine said:
  bronze said:
Just ordered my mooncup

Back to the world of normal people now.

Well I say normal, most people dont have panic attacks when they come on


No...they heave sighs of relief and shout "Hallelujah!" :lol:


Best of luck with it....


Well, they certainly do at our age Egluntine :wink:

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"Well after perservering for 3 months,this month I have finally chucked mine in the bin & am back to what I used to use


It was a nice idea,just not for me I am afraid "




So, it wasn't just me who didn't get on with one! Sorry you didin't get on with yours. Mine came with a guarantee and I was able to send it back for a refund. This went towards the cost of some more Lunapads :) Just hope I have sufficient to avoid returning to disposable pads!

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