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mooncup . no more tampons and pads!

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Not sure which size to get as even after having 3 children i had to have the contraceptive cap specially ordered in as the nurse said i was so small. any advice welcome :oops:


I would go for small

I started with a large and have ended up with a small. I'm sure over time I may move onto the large again. I've had 3 children too though only 2 were natural births . that said first was 10lber



As for using it at school. unless you are really heavy I would think you could get through a school day without emptying it. I take a very small pot of water in with me to rinse (when I remember) or sometimes have a couple of babywipes in a sandwich bag just in case theres any ickyness. Overall though the ickyness factor is so much less than tampons

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Probably Lesley :lol:


Phil knows better than to stand around my house looking bored, or saying that he's got nothing to do... I can find a million ways to keep him occupied, and all of then decent :wink: He gets roped in if I need a hand, and has given up being alarmed at my independence and proficiency with power tools.


Actually, he's really good at DIY and fixing thing, but just so ... slow :roll::roll:

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Back to the Mooncup.......


Although it is getting too late for me to make it worthwhile buying one, I find myself recommending it to younger women. I feel that after reading all your comments I can do so without being hypocritical :D


Most people I mention it to don't seem too interested unfortunately - too squeamish! :roll:

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well it does require a degree of being comfortable with your body ... I don't quite understand this attitude but quite a few of my friends have responded with 'yuk'. :? I think they'd rather pretend the whole thing doesn't happen, or they've got some phobia about touching themselves or something! these include women who have had children.


I actually find it cleaner than using tampons - no leakage, for a start.

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Ok Ladies


I have been thinking about getting one of these for ages and think I will have a try.


I have read the whole thread (all 15 pages ) and been interested learnt a lot and laughed my head off! :lol::lol::lol:


you have all been honest and this really helps when looking at one of these. I use pads more often as on lighter days they do dry me out if you get the jist! (Sorry if Martin is still watching the post!!) :oops::oops:


I will let you know how I get on as the majority do seem to love them.

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I think (from reading this thread) that there are a few people who just aren't suited to using one, for, umm, anatomical reasons, but most people love it. I've only had mine six weeks or so but I am a total convert, and would not go back.


Do let us know how you get on, I cannot imagine another forum where I could get the sort of detailed advice and information that has been presented on here (with lots of humour, too :wink: ).


It really has helped me too, you can look at the mooncup website all you like but it won't answer the questions that you really want to ask!

good luck Krysia, let us know how it goes.

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I'm soooo glad I've got one. Just went back on the pill for the first time in 15 years, and it made me bleed nonestop. Well, I'm in the perimenopause, and you can get funny bleeds, so I didnt worry too much, but my mooncup holds 25ml and I was getting 125ml a DAY, which was a bit much so I went to see the Dr and she gave me something to stop the bleeding (another hormone) and suggested I try something else, so am booked in for a coil next Monday.


It would have cost me A FORTUNE to use sanitary pads or tampons for those three weeks.


The pill changed me down there and it was a bit of a squeeze, especially for removing it, IYSWIM without me going into too much detail. I suspect my BF would not have complained!


Very odd.

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I've bought mine and I've tried it once. I found it really difficult but I guess that gets better with use. I really don't get how I work out how much of the stem to snip though.


Also I should try it a few more times, I'm due on any day now.

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I am so rubbish I have jsut finished and hadn't got one so I have just placed my order so I will be ready for next time.


would you recommend trying it out before the next period starts so I am happy about what I am doing and trimming the stem with a little less mess (Sorry but I have to ask :oops::oops: )

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I agree - try it without cutting any off at first. If it feels a bit uncomfortable, i.e. you can feel the end of the stem rubbing (it will make sense when you try it) then take a sliver off it.


Although the stem helps you sort of locate it, I find I can't get enough grip on it, I have to get hold of the base of the Mooncup to remove it (and you need to anyway to break the seal) - so it isn't vital to the removal process, well that's my view anyway.


I love mine - it took me a few goes to really get the hang of it, but yes it does get better with use, Penguinmad! Probably a good idea to try before you need it, rather than when you might be in a hurry. Good luck!

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OK I came on this morning and I went for it. I had to cut the stem straght away as it was very scratch, I only left a little bit. I got it in easily and then emptied it once before work. When I wanted to empty at work I used the disabled loo as I could get my leg up into a good position in there and also there was a sink. Nice to know it's good for somthing really as the door requires you to heave with all your weight to close it - not much cop for most disabled people!


My first empty in school I didn't get it back in quite right and it scratched me all the way over to the other block where I dived in another disabled loo and quickly got it into postition.


I've now used it all day, no leaks but I feel a little sore when putting it in and taking it out. I do suffer from dryness which isn't helped by touching the area with my paper dry hands.


I think I like it though, its so good not to have to change a tampon every time I go to the loo (once the string is wet I always feel uncomfortable - even though I'm a slow bleeder). Especially as I go to the loo about once an hour all day thanks to Lighterlife!

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