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R.I.P Marge

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Just wanted to share my grief with people who care!! Found my black Araucana, Marge, in my field with her head torn off yesterday. Bart the cockerel was making a huge racket so i went out to see what was going on. I couldn't see Marge & then found her in her sorry state futher down the field. My chicken expert friend came round to see & said it looked like a fox had got her & been disturbed, so left her & thankfully my 7 other chickens. Bit scary as it was during the daytime. This was my first chicken death & she was a favourite so i've shed a few tears! My friend said unless i keep them in a pen/eglu run, rather than let them roam the field & have lots of fun exploring, then i'll have to live with a death/deaths occasionally.

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Sorry Lisa for your loss it's not easy finding them when the fox has had them. Touchwood I haven't had any foxes round here yet but my YS has seen them in the fields near the house.


I think you need a closed in run because they always come back and you don't want them all falling victim to Reynard.

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so sorry to hear about Marge, I had a similar problem & now mine only range out of the eglu & run when I'm there, even then they have their own part of the garden fenced off because they love going into the bushes at the bottom of the garden & the fox was getting them

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.... My friend said unless i keep them in a pen/eglu run, rather than let them roam the field & have lots of fun exploring, then i'll have to live with a death/deaths occasionally.


have you thought about electric fencing?

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Oh I am sorry, how awful for you all :cry:


I have had similar discoveries with rabbits. I know how you feel.


I have recently lost one of my chinchillas and no matter how your loss occurs, it's so difficult to cope with especially when people don't understand your feelings.


Take care, and look after yourself and the others. Well done to Bart for helping to raise the alarm. :clap:


Big hugs and lots of love

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So very sorry to hear about your loss--must have been very traumatic but glad you didn't lose the whole flock, which can happen.


I am constantly tempted to let mine free range all day, not just when I can be around, as they enjoy it so much but the thought of what might happen intimidates me.


Sometimes there are no good answers.

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poor Marge :cry:


Had it happen to me too, fairly recently. As I found Laces still warm with a wound at the base of her neck, I heard Miss Marple make a huge racket at the other side of the house. I just wasn't fast enough and she was gone too leaving no telltale signs behind at all. It's all very upsetting but we just keep going back for more don't we! Hang in there.

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aww i completely sympathise with you, i had to find my poor rosmerta after the fox had got her, i mustve diturbed him too as she was missing her head. its such a shock, i hope your feeling better.

as for penning them in, i didnt wan to restrict mine because they loved free ranging so much and the run was so small and boring, i decided it was better for them to live a short happy life. luckily mr. fox has since disappeared. you'll have to decide whats best for you and your hens.

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