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PSP lite and slim - now all about hamsters !!

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YS would like one of these for his birthday (and a hamster, but that's another story :roll: ).


ES has an old style PSP which is no longer manufactured but I could get one from Amazon marketplace (not new, but as new) for about £70.


But, should I pay the extra to get the new "slim & lite" version? It's a lot more expensive but do you get much more for your money?


Also, do I need to get a separate memory stick duo just for saving games? I don't think he'll be watching videos on it. Is 2GB enough or do I need to go for 4GB?


Sorry for all the questions, but there's always someone out there with experience and useful advice :D .

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Thanks everyone (even you techno-numpties :wink: ).


Fortunately, YS has agreed that he probably only wanted a PSP 'cos he enjoyed playing his brother's one on holiday. Now he's home and has access to all the other electronic wizardry on offer, it doesn't seem such a necessary purchase (especially considering the price :? ).


He's back to the hamster idea :roll: . Choices, choices, who'd be 13 going on 14 :roll: .


A friend hopefully still has the extensive Rotastak hamster palace (lucky purchase from Oxfam 9 years ago :) ) we gave her when our last hamster popped his little furry clogs (she's got to check in her attic) so with a bit of luck we'll just have to get the little critter and the food etc.


I'll introduce "Oscar" to you all in due course :D . A cage cleaning and feeding rota is the next step :wink: .

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you had found a brilliant new diet :roll::roll::roll:


If only :roll: although I was interested to see a Yahoo headline about the Americans working on a pill that makes you fit without any exercise :? .


I am actually on a "lite and slim" drive after seeing photos of myself standing sideways in cycling gear :oops: . One day in, I'm doing well, no rubbish has passed my lips so far (apart from wine and that's not rubbish!) and I'm sitting here waiting for the rain to go off so I can go for a run.

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I wouldn't buy him a hamster :?


They are extremely nocturnal and can be grumpy :roll:


Not all before people dive in there are as always exceptions to the rules but most of the pet ones I have encountered in my life have been grumpy :evil:


If he wants a small furry why not get a rat or a ferret :shock:

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Oh dear, the deed is done (well the cage is ordered anyway) and Oscar will be chosen tomorrow :? . We have had 2 hamsters before - Gnasher was lovely and very friendly, Whiskers was a devil hamster with red eyes and sharp teeth :roll: . He was also a dwarf hamster which we didn't get told :roll: . Had to build him some Duplo stairs to get upstairs in his hamster home :lol: .

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Well, I've spent the day going round looking at what hamsters are on offer. Dobbies - couldn't see any, they were asleep and hidden :roll: . Pets At Home - saw some but the girl I spoke to was nice but wasn't very knowledgeable.


Then tried 2 small local petshops - one didn't have any, but result in the other, she has a litter and 4 or 5 boys available :D .


Bit scared though, as she's a breeder and shower of hamsters and vets potential owners for suitability :anxious: . She has a website which explains all about rodent farmswhere the big pet shops get their pets from - nasty business :evil: .


If you buy your cage/supplies from a "big pet shop" she charges more for your hamster and you have to take it in to let her see it :shock::lol: . Quite happy with that but our cage hasn't arrived yet so we've borrowed one and hope she'll approve :? . I feel like I'm cheating :? .


And apparently ethically bred hamsters are friendly and don't bite as they've been handled from a young age :) .

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I didn't realise this thread had gone onto hamsters! :lol: Our little girlie hamster has become very tame, despite minimal handling, she is a sweetie. But she does pong terribly when in season - which is very frequently :? Didn't know that when I went for a girl instead of a boy. Having said that, she has now been trained to use a hamster toilet! 8)

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They are great! It is like a tiny kitty litter tray, with a cover on. You put some of their soiled litter in it and it is filled with an absorbant, sandy type of thing and they should learn to use it!


Oscar is gorgeous - he is just the same colour as Flower! (our hammy :roll: named by the boys after the little skunk in Bambi) :lol:

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Far nicer for a 14 year old to have a pet than a PSP anyday :D


My ED got a wardrobe for her 14th birthday, at her request, we did assemble it after sorting out and re-arranging her room and putting up a few strips of funky wallpaper. Her room did look a whole lot better but I wanted less practical things at 14 :lol:


Oscar looks lovely.

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