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Chicken Coop

Chicken Questionaire

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For my GCSE D.T project i am building a chicken coop. as part of my market research i have to produce a questionaire.


1) How many eggs do you use per week?


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?


3) How big is your garden (ft)?


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

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1) How many eggs do you use per week?

I get about 20-25 eggs a week from my girls, I use about 15 and give the rest away or sell them


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?

I have 4 girls


3) How big is your garden (ft)?

30ft (ish?)


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)

My girls live in part of my wooden shed. We converted the space under a shelf and added a pop-hole door for them.


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?

If it was completely washable (Like an eglu is) so there is less chance of a red mite attack!


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

I'd say about £200 max would be nice


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Hi there,

Great project!


1) How many eggs do you use per week?

About 6-8


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?

I have 4, not yet laying


3) How big is your garden (ft)?

Garden is about 30ft, but we keep the chickens in a small field we rent (about 100m from our house) - this is about 200 ft long I suppose.


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)

Ye. we have a converted dog-kennel (made of wood).


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?

Removable and washable floor


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

£200 for housing for 4 birds.


Would be interesting to see your results!

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what a good idea for your project - hope it goes really well.


1) How many eggs do you use per week?

- 2 adults and 2 children: about 12-15. we actually get 30-35, so I give the others away to family and friends


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?

- got 8; would like to have some more!


3) How big is your garden (ft)?

- 1.5 acres


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)

- 2 eglus + basic runs inside 50m electric fencing


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?

- I think it's fine. in an ideal world I'd like the end door of the runs to be bigger so you dont get on your hands and knees to put glug/grub in and out or refill them.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

- guess I've paid for 2 eglus & runs, so £350 per unit roughly (which worked out pretty good in comparison to wooden chicken houses I found - about £30 in it)

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Sounds like a great project - well done you :D


1) How many eggs do you use per week?


Usually none, but my 6 hens lay about 35 eggs per week and they are all sold, proceeds to BHWT. There's generally a backlog as they can't keep up with demand!


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?


Currently 6, could probably cope with 8


3) How big is your garden (ft)?


100ft x 40ft


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)


Omlet Cube - plastic


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?


Better door at the end of the run - I have done the usual conversion


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?


Paid £595 plus £35 delivery and consider it money well spent. I'm now after an eglu for introductions - sad, addicted, ex-batt mummy :lol: !


PS don't tell the cats there's a chance of yet more chickens ... :shock:

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Good luck!


1) How many eggs do you use per week? 6-12 if I have any left over from the week I give them to friends and family.


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep? I've got 2 but I think I would like another 2.


3) How big is your garden (ft)? 100ft x 15ft


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)

Yes, I've got an eglu.


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing? A larger, more covered run. Timed automatic door opening for those early mornings!


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing? Depending on the quality, anything up to about £500.

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For my GCSE D.T project i am building a chicken coop. as part of my market research i have to produce a questionaire.


1) How many eggs do you use per week?


1 doz


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?




3) How big is your garden (ft)?


1/3 acre


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)


Eglus and Cube - recyclable plastic. Walk in in run - wood and weldmesh



5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?


Purpose made clear plastic run cover as optional extra.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?


Whatever it takes to get the product that suits me.



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1) How many eggs do you use per week?

+50, eat or sell the spare.


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?

I have 8


3) How big is your garden (ft)?

25m x 14m


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)



5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?

2x Close-shot wireless web cams, one for the nestbox, the other for the roosting bars both infrared --- save trips to the nestbox until there are eggs. Plus would be able to watch the girls at night when it gets dark.



6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

Don't mind as long as it looks good, well made, child and fox-proof, low maintenance and will last a long time.

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1) How many eggs do you use per week?

As many as our chooks can produce.. between 7 and 14 eggs per week.


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?

I keep 4 would like to keep 6 (not enough space for 6)


3) How big is your garden (ft)?



4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)

Eglu, plastic


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?

A walk in run. Two nesting boxes, we only have one nesting box.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

Between £200 and £400 depending on how well it is made and material used.


Good luck with GCSE's.

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) How many eggs do you use per week


We get about 20 a week, use most and give some away.


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?


I have 4


3) How big is your garden (ft)?


Not sure in feet - about half an acre


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)


Wooden house and run.


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?


Extra nest boxes, might be good. Basically, am really happy with it.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?


I paid quite a bit for mine, and really love it and think was worth every penny.

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1) How many eggs do you use per week? 1 dozen


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep? I keep 4 at the moment would like to increase to 6 or 7


3) How big is your garden (ft)? 50 ft x 150 ft


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?) Yes, purpose built run made by ourselves. Made from pressure treated wood and fox proof chicken wire. Clear plastic corrugated roof over the run. Plus we currently have a (green eglu) shortly to be replaced on the 30/10 with a (cube green)


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing? A mezzanine - hoping to copy one I have seen on the Omlet forum.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing? up to £400




Good luck with your project Chicken Coop!

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Well done for putting the questionnaire on the forum! I got so fed up of pretending to be half a dozen different people to do the questions for my kids (shhhhh don't tell....)



1) How many eggs do you use per week?

6 - 8


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?

I have 3, would like about 6


3) How big is your garden (ft)?



4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)

Yes an eglu


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?

A walk-in run, and to have the eglu at waist height.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

Depends on the look, the materials and the workmanship

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1) How many eggs do you use per week?

About 12


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?

Have 8 at the moment, would love loads more.


3) How big is your garden (ft)?

43560 sq ft (1 acre)


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)



5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?

A plastic walk up platform rather than the ladder it has.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

Whatever it takes to get something I am happy with.

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Normally, i don't fill this kind of thing in, but as a teacher myself how could I not?



1) How many eggs do you use per week? 10-12


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep? 4 at home/ 9 at school


3) How big is your garden (ft)? 35 ft


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?) eglu with home built covered run (home) wooden coop (school)


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing? more nesting space


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing? depends on number of birds (home - £400 - school - £1000)


I'd love to see photos when you're finished. I think it's great that you are doing this

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1) How many eggs do you use per week?

All that my girls lay, usually about 20


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?

I keep 4,


3) How big is your garden (ft)?

330ft by 60ft


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)

eglu with converter and extension, surrounded by omlet netting and foxwatch


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?

The eglu to be higher, and to be able to walk in to the run.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

I paid £200 for my second hand eglu with omlet netting, foxwatch and 2 hens.


Good luck with your project.

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1) How many eggs do you use per week?

Chickens do 20, I use at least 10 per week.


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?

I have 3, would like at least 5!


3) How big is your garden (ft)?



4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)

Plastic Eglu


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?

Genetically modified chickens that don't do poo. Being sensible, fox proofing is the priority and ease of cleaning.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

£400-£600 if it was worth the money.



Good luck with the project - sounds great. Give us a shout if you need any more help :D

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1) How many eggs do you use per week?




2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?


3 but would like 6/7



3) How big is your garden (ft)?





4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)






5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?



A peep hole that can be covered, a light operated from outside to see in when its dark to check they are all in, fittings for an infra-red wireless cam that can look in the house but also into the run. Bluetooth control to a laptop so I can open and close the door remotely.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?


£200 -£300 for a 6/7 berth


Good luck

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1) How many eggs do you use per week?




2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?


I have 7 (only 4 laying so far).


3) How big is your garden (ft)?


Not sure about the garden, it is not very large. I keep them inside a 50m electric fence in the orchard (which is 0.9 acre), so I can move them around.


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)


1 Eglu, 1 Cube (plastic). The Cube was supposed to replace the Eglu, but I am using both while I am introducing the new hens.


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?


Easier access to the run.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?


I didn't think I would pay for a Cube (approx £600), but I did, so who knows?



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1) How many eggs do you use per week?

CHickens produce approx 20 a week. Use approx 10 give the others away.


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?

I have 5 would like about8.


3) How big is your garden (ft)?

I guess v aprox 20 x 80


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)

wooden house. Coop: wood and weldmesh. Corrigated plastic roof.


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?

Better drainage.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

I paid 100 for the house. The coop probably cost about 300. So i guess about that amount. Possibly more if it looked good. Size of the coop is all important to me.

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For my GCSE D.T project i am building a chicken coop. as part of my market research i have to produce a questionaire.


1) How many eggs do you use per week?


I use 8-10 and give the rest away to family/friends


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?


We have 4 but I would like more - am planning getting 4 more in the spring


3) How big is your garden (ft)?


Sorry dont know in feet but its 3/4 acre but not secure so the chickens can't freerange


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)


We have an eglu in a 3m square foxproof run and the aglu is on aplatform so all of the floor space is used as well as wooden slats to use as perches (3m x 1m)


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?


All of the wooden parts - ladder to perches, perches and platform eglu on to be plastic rather than wood


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?


I would pay whatever to make my chicken have a happy life

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1) How many eggs do you use per week?


about five or six, (mainly in cake) because that's how many we get. when we got twenty odd, we used twenty odd.


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?


We have four, we would love to have loads but it's just not practical.


3) How big is your garden (ft)?


27 x 60ft


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)


I have an eglu.


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?


nothing, I love it.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?


my husband bought me my eglu for my birthday several years ago and to be honest I was staggered at the price :shock: Personally, I would have gone to about £150, he paid more than double that.

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Welcome to the forum :D . What a brilliant project - make sure you let us see the finished article :D .


1) How many eggs do you use per week?


About 21. That's what they lay and we generally get through them all.


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?


I have 3.


3) How big is your garden (ft)?


Roughly 25 ft square.


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)


Yes, an eglu. It's plastic.


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?


I would like a walk in run with a larger surface area.


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?


I paid £300 exc del for my (reconditioned) eglu. Chickens plus all the extras cost more on top.

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1) How many eggs do you use per week?

Between 6 and 9



2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?

We keep 3 chickens and that's enough for us at the moment.


3) How big is your garden (ft)?



4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)

Yes, an Eglu (plastic)


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?

Plastic roosting bars (easier to keep clean) and a bigger run for them (planned)


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

We paid 250 for the Eglu, run and run extension but decided to build a walk in run which cost us an additional 100 pounds.

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1) How many eggs do you use per week?

Usually all we get - about 20


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?

Have 3 would like more - maybe about 8


3) How big is your garden (ft)?

approx 60ft x 100ft


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)

Plastic Eglu with extended eglu run (strong wire mesh)


5) What would features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?

A much larger, purpose built walk in run


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

Paid about £400 so far for chicken bits. Can't upgrade as no budget available.


Good luck with your project :)

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1) How many eggs do you use per week?

20 ish


2) How many chickens do you or would like to keep?

We have 4, but would like a couple more


3) How big is your garden (ft)?

We have 3 acres of land; not sure how much is garden, maybe about half an acre (don't know how many sq feet to the acre)


4) Do you have any existing housing for your chickens? (if yes what is it made of?)

Yes, wooden


5) What features do you think would improve your existing chicken housing?

Errm, can't think of any apart from making the whole thing out of plastic like an eglu! But I love the design; it is a half-pint henhouse from the Domestic Fowl Trust


6) How much would you be prepared to pay for chicken housing?

About £400

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