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Oh help, we are going over our useage limit

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As some may know,we FINALLY got broadband via Vodaphone a few weeks ago.

We have a useage limit of 3GB a month,which the Vodaphone chap said was heaps & heaps...............


However,we managed to ue 8GB last month, & would have been charged an extra £90 :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:


Now,there is a useage calculator on the system, but its in MB, so how many MB are there in 3GB (I am guessing 3000???)

if so, then we have used up nearly all of that this month already :roll:


I had no idea we used the computer so much :?

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as said above this is about downloading and uploading.


Tell them not to leave the webcam off (I'm guessing youve already done this after the :oops::oops: !)


Also talk to them about downloading. I'm sure they are not using an illegal file sharing programs but if they are they may have also not turned off the default setting of allowing others to share files on their machines. This would mean that when there was "Ooops, word censored!"ody home and the computer was left switched on and connected TOTAL STRANGERS could be ilegallly downloading music STORED ON YOUR COMPUTERS. This would use up LOADS of your usage and leave you open to prosecution. KIds simply don't believe music downloading is wrong!


Is anyone using IPlayer a lot? It could be another contributing factor.


All your diddling around on here and uploading the odd piccy, playing on facebook etc doesn't use diddly squat.


I have computers connected 24/7, I upload pictures, I upload websites and I download the occasional thing and I've NEVER been near a usage limit!

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In our bid to be moneysaving we cut our package so we had a download limit of 10G and it lasted less than 2 weeks with the lads being careful. We've gone back to our 50G with no monitor overnight. OS is trying to download the whole internet which is why ours is so high!

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Well, I have upgraded to the 5GB package & told the children not to use webcam exept for the weekends & not to download too much either.

We shall see how it goes,but I can't reallt see us managing on such a small amount really :?

They get 2 hours a night 'social time' on the net each evening,plus extra for homework,which I think is pretty reasonable.

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Hi Sarah


I'm guessing you are tied into a contract with them? If not it would be worth changing to someone who allows unlimited usage. I found that I was using heaps after I got my MP3 player. Also any attachements you open on emails increases the usage, as well as youtube and the like.


We are now on an unlimited tariff with Tiscali which cost just £15pm. We have now changed our phone line to them to, and for I pay a total of approx £27 for unlimited broadband at a high bandwidth, line rental and unlimited landline to landmine minutes any time of day

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Trouble is, we can't get ANY Broadband through a phone line here as we are too far from the exchange. Most of the village is a BB black spot :roll:


However,there is a Vodaphone mast just down the way,so we get brilliant Vodafone coverage 8)

The BB I have is via a USB stick,with Vodaphone.

So yes,I am tied for 18 months to this Vodaphone contract now,but upping the useage to 5GB will help I hope :lol:

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We have the same problem Sarah. Over here usage limits are common, and we have a monthly limit of 5GB, choosing a package that allows more than that is prohibitively expensive :( . Every month we exceed our limit, during the school holidays we reach the limit by half way through the month...in Sept we did really well and managed not to run out until the 29th :D . When we reach the limit our broadband service stops and we end up on dial up, so it doesn't actually cost us more, it's just painfully, frustratingly slow.


I blame youTube personally, we can't use iPlayer over so it's not that for us, but when we stopped everyone from watching YouTube links we found that we managed to make our allowance last a little longer.

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Apparantly BT have done some work at the exchange & in the village over the past 12 months.

Not that they actually told us or anything though :roll:


I have a new neighbour & she ordered the BB a couple of weeks ago, & I assumed she wouldn't be able to get it,but she did so I placed my order right away.


I am so glad to be free of the Vodafone contract. They tried 3 times to bill me £2000 for 'extra useage', & even I couldn't use quite that amount. Then,when they told me to cancel my direct debit so they couldn't take the money by mistake,they stopped the 3 phones I have on the same contract,when they had assured me that they wouldn't.

Oh, & the USB stick broke 3 times & I had to go into town for new ones :roll:


I am sure BT will be just as pants in their own little way,but right now I am delighted to have unlimited (ish) bandwidth for less money each month :P

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