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Please tell me if she is a boy

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You've been asking for pics, so here they are.... First my blue Orpington cockerel. It's hard to get a good picture, as there's an awful lot of him. And I am not small (5'11").



The other cockerel I have is a Brahma. He was the runt who was nearly pecked to bits and had most of his feather plucked out. He couldn't walk when I first got him, so he has come on well, but he will always be small. Here he is:



Just to give you an idea of what a big girl's blouse the Brahma is, here is my tiny Bluebelle girl squaring up to him and getting ready to attack:


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I have only just seen your message, Clare. I think you are secretly thinking that if I grow my hair a bit more and put on a black jumper, I will be twins with my gorgeous Brahma boy.


As for noise, the Brahma doesn't make a sound. He is very meek and at the bottom of the pecking order, as he always has been. He was to have been called Chanticleer, but I think he would prefer to be Chantelle. I am hopeful that I may be able to keep him. He is very gentle, and lets me pick him up.


The Blue Orpington is getting noisier by the day and will have to go. I have advertised him on Birdtrader (free of charge to anyone who collects). It is sad but better than Plan B (I have someone who will kill and eat him if necessary).


Here is a better picture of him:


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Thank you all for your help.


Practical Poultry forum did the trick, and my gorgeous Blue Boy (that's the nearest he got to a name, because you must not name what might end up as someone's dinner) was given away to a lovely girl from Kent today.


He will have a wonderful life with his own harem of Blue Orpington girls, and have much more freedom than he has now. And I have been promised pictures of my grandchildren (er, I mean chicks fathered by him).


My neighbours have somewhere that will take my Brahma cockerel along with theirs, and I must let him go, even though he is my favourite. I will reflect on the fact that he eats too much, doesn't lay eggs, and is smellier than the girls. I must forget his shoulder-length hair and gentle ways, and the fact that his sister is so plain compared with him.

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ok... lets see if someone can confirm whether this beauty is a he or she...






I think he's a cock but Karen hopes she's a hen


bear in mind he/she is only 15 weeks old and the other 2 (Cream Legbar and Barred Plymouth Rock hens) are 18 weeks old



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