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Pregnant people roll call

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Congratulations to all mums & dads to be - babies are sooo yummy with those wee feet and hands and the vanilla smell... very 'broody' making - but nope, not me... I was considered an elderly primagravida (old first time mum) 11 years ago on Saturday when I had my oldest son...


Have a look at this website I found when looking for a pressy for a work colleague who's little chick is about to hatch any day soon: www.tootsie-toes.co.uk


As they are local to me, I might wait until s/he arrives and then have one of these done:




They are lovely little reminders, and last night as I was massaging my son's ankle (growing pains) I wish I had a little cast of his wee baby feet (it seems like yesterday) and now we share crocs!!!


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Tigerlily congratulations on your little girl, it's so exciting.


I'm 35 in may and this is my first baby( due Oct 20th) and I feel ancient in comparison to every one else I've seen with a bump locally including two colleagues at work, who are in their twenties with a child each already,but its nice that we are all due within 3 weeks of each other.


I've had a horrible time over the last 6 weeks or so having been really ill and passing it of as a bug at work as I didnt want to tell anyone till 3 months were up - which they were last week- yey :dance: Thankfully im starting to feel better now.


Had my first scan last week and it was amazing, this little thing bouncing up and down, now I know why my backs sore :roll: Cant wait for the next scan at the beginning of June to find out if it's a boy or girl ( poor excuse for a shopping trip really) :D

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Tigerlily congratulations on your little girl, it's so exciting.


I'm 35 in may and this is my first baby( due Oct 20th) and I feel ancient in comparison to every one else I've seen with a bump locally including two colleagues at work, who are in their twenties with a child each already,but its nice that we are all due within 3 weeks of each other.


I've had a horrible time over the last 6 weeks or so having been really ill and passing it of as a bug at work as I didnt want to tell anyone till 3 months were up - which they were last week- yey :dance: Thankfully im starting to feel better now.


Had my first scan last week and it was amazing, this little thing bouncing up and down, now I know why my backs sore :roll: Cant wait for the next scan at the beginning of June to find out if it's a boy or girl ( poor excuse for a shopping trip really) :D


Congratulations Ruth! I can sympathise with the 'ancient mum' feeling! I had a gap of 11 years between my first and second, so having my second at age 37 felt like starting all over again. Then had third at 39! I feel a bit old compared to all their friends Mums, but have to say I was pleasantly surprised at how many 'mature' Mums there are out there. I feel very fortunate that I don't have some of the stresses of being a younger Mum - career wise I've been there, done that, got the T shirt and can afford to take it easy and really enjoy being at home with them. Apart from the fact that they can run rings round me, I am loving it! 8) Enjoy! :D


Tigerlily hope your adoption is going well!

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Hi everyone :D

Hi Bronze and Ruth1 too - I'm fine thankyou! :)


Matching panel was on fri 3rd... they said YES YES YES!!! :dance::dance::dance:


We will be meeting her on 21st April and the introductions should start the day after. She should be home for around 1st May (day before my birthday) :o


Sorry I have been quiet - I've been so busy I haven't been on as much, but I try to check posts as and when! It's been a stressful few days as we are trying to decorate, buy baby things and I need to sort stuff out at work before I go off on adoption leave... Just to make matters worse my OH's auntie was rushed into hospital on friday and all her family are away on holiday :shock: She is ok, thank goodness, but it has meant us looking after her house, visiting and making sure she has everything she needs, bless her. I'm so shattered!


Good luck Ruth1 :D have a great time buying things it's so much fun!


Lots of love to everyone and their bumps :wink: xxx

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Ruth 1 - I don't think you're old but I do know what you mean about feeling that everyone else is much younger! I went for an eight week 'gentetic' scan and chat in February, a week after my 39th Birthday. The midwife asked me if I knew why I'd been asked to attend and I said yes it was because I was 38, at which point she said, 'I don't think you are, haven't you just had a significant Birthday?'. I thought she meant I was now forty and I had completely missed the occasion! You're also lucky because technically in Glasgow we're only scanned once, they don't do the neuchal fold test and definitely won't tell you the sex of your baby if you're invited for a later scan!

Best of luck for all these exciting arrivals and such exciting times!


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AAAHH, that is soo nice, all these babies, i fear i am now too old now at 40 and too selfish to have another one.


i could have given you all some free baby massage and yoga if you were in leics, and we could have had an omlet theme!! (i.e cakes :D )


congrats for the matching process of adoption, if you try some massage (toddler) telling stories, it really does improve bonding and builds confidence.

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Do you think now as well as being chicken obsessed we will become baby obsessed?


Good luck hennypenny and egg lou, I'm rooting for you :pray:


Becka I think the more I hear that the Borders is a really good place to have a baby, they seem to be one of the few places that will tell you the sex and you get an extra scan at 31 weeks to check all is well, Im all booked in for all these already and I'm only 12 weeks.


My brothers fiancee is due next week and she has had a terrible time dealing with the royal In infirmary in Edinburgh and You hear some horror stories about there.I dont envy her at all and shes only 20 so she 's really not as outspoken as some of us may be.

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Good luck to everyone who is trying, everyone who is expecting, everyone who will be meeting their babes soon, what a fab thread this is, so full of happiness and hope.


I'd have liked a number four, but I always said if I ever got them all out of nappies and sleeping through the night I'd never go back to it! :D After number three I was so tired I needed a good long gap before I was ready, now I'm ready but I seem to be missing one vital ingredient to make a number four :wink:


I'll keep checking in on this thread and hopefully will soon see lots of beautiful baby pics!



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Went off for my twenty week scan this morning - and now a little bit grumpy that I had a rubbish sonographer, who wasn't nearly as nice as the last scan I had. Still, baby is fine, which is the most important thing.


Getting a little bit impatient now - I'm half way through but it feels like forever until baby makes her way into the world. :(

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What a great thread. Congratulations to everyone!!!


I am due on November 8th and am very excited though i have ages to go. Have already booked a gender scan for 26 weeks as the hospital won't tell anymore as people complained when they got it wrong... I don't mind what it is as long as he/she is healthy but I am still curious, also like the idea of having an extra scan as loved watching the baby move about and yawn etc, would have one every week if i could :D got a doppler too so can listen to the heartbeat which is great :) .

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Hi - really worried about my sister. She is 29 weeks & 2 days. She went for her check up the other day & her baby is breech. She's been complaining of terrible pains & even had to lie on a hospital bed the other week. They are going to try & turn the baby around in another 7 weeks & scan her at the same time. She may have to have a ceasarian another 2 to 3 weeks later. I can't stop worrying about her & the baby. She is very petite as it is - so to have a breech baby - must be really painful for her.



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Sorry to hear about your sister Emma :( But it is very common for babies to be breech at this stage. There is still time for it to turn itself, although if she is petite space is obviously limited! The main thing is that they are monitoring her, and at least they know it is breech now, rather than finding out at labour. My friend had all three of hers as csection as she has a bi-cornate uterus so they have no room to turn. And she is expecting no 4! It can be quite painful - make sure she gets plenty of rest and relaxation and try not to worry too much (anxiety makes it all worse!) xx

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It was fine - then about 2 weeks ago she was on the phone to & felt queasy & faint. That's when it turned to the breech position.

She's doing way too much. Her hubby is a farmer & works all hours. My sister has horses & has still been pushing about heavy wheelbarrows of muck up to last week. We go mad!

She never stops - she does it all. Her hubby needs to take over & pamper her a bit now. :notalk:

She is really worried about having a c section - as she won't be able to do anything for 6 weeks after & not even drive. She is worried that she will be alone & helpless with the baby as hubby will be out farming & she wont be able to push it about etc etc. She's also worried about maybe having to be put out to have a c section, then waking up & having to believe that that's her baby & bonding with it. I feel so sorry for her. You can tell it's her first baby can't you?

But every time she rings us - we are filled with fear.

She's having 2 midwives to try & turn baby - one to hold its head & one to hold its feet - I bet it will hurt. Why couldn't my sister have been big boned and a bit curvy like me?



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Craftyhunnypie if your sister is anywhere near Salford they used to do some kind of alternative therapy to turn babies late on . I think it was at the Uni.

It involves burning candles near the mother's little toes ( I think, as my memory is hazy as it's nearly 6 years since I used to go to my home birth meeting). I think it's called "moxin" or something, but when I have googled " moxin" it's not coming up with this process.


Anyhow I know mothers with whom trhis has worked.


Has she tried getting in touch with AIMS- Association for improvements in maternity services- I'm quite sure that they will know about other baby turning methods apart from "manual" ones.

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at 29 weeks a baby has done most of its developing its the growing it still has to do. It'll probably still be about 3lbs so even in a tiny woman theres plenty of room.And if it doesnt turn she'll be offered a section. It'll not make any difference while its in the womb.

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ps its called Moxibustion h

theres also accupuncture and standing on your head. Ok not that far but getting head below body. All worth trying before getting physical


they shouldnt be thinking of it yet anyway as theres plenty of time and it sounds like theyre freaking her out


all of mine were breech up til about 37 weeks except of course Nia who was born at 27

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My first was breech and didn't turn so I had a section. Tell your sister not to worry (too much!). I had a spinal so was awake through the whole thing and saw ES being lifted out. The only thing you can feel is a kind of heavy tugging (if that makes sense!). There was no problem at all with bonding and although the recovery time is a pest as you can't do certain things, it's soon over and you have your baby to think about so you get through it. In some ways, the recovery from my YS's birth was worse and that was a "normal" birth :? .


Hopefully the baby will turn and she'll be fine :pray::) .

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I can just imagine all you pregnant people sat in front of your computers with your bumps in the way!!! :D Best of luck with all of your births etc, you'll all make brilliant mums!


Craftyhunnypie, I think the most important thing for your sister is to stay calm and positive for her, I'm sure she'll be alright in the end and have a lovely baby. There's a lot more things that they can do for people in her situation now, unlike when my Mum's mum had my uncle, where she was giving birth in a nursing home and lost a lot of blood etc...she still doesn't tell us the full details.


But with any luck they'll be able to turn her baby, it might be painful for her, but it will be better than the situation she's in now I suspect. :D

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